
Introducing ASNC’s New Wilmington Autism Services Coordinator

We are happy to introduce Julie Bright as the Senior Autism Services Coordinator in the Wilmington region, where we will now provide skilled-support services.

Julie comes to us with 15 years of experience in working with people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD). While attending UNC Wilmington to attain her BA in education, she provided direct supports for 10 years. After graduation, Julie continued to provide direct supports while teaching the autism program with the New Hanover County school district. She taught academics and worked closely with a speech therapist and occupational therapist to support students in learning effective social and communication skills.

For the past five years, Julie has been a qualified professional supporting individuals with IDD. Julie’s passion has always been to work with individuals with disabilities, and she felt her calling was to work more closely with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. She comes to the Autism Society of North Carolina to fulfill this calling and is excited to bring direct supports to the Wilmington area as she continues doing what she loves.

Call on us for supports

We look forward to working with your family as we expand our services in the Wilmington area. ASNC is an accredited provider in the Trillium network of services throughout the lifespan through the Innovations Waiver, b3, and IPRS. We also offer private-pay options.

We believe each individual on the autism spectrum is unique, with challenges to be addressed and strengths to be nurtured. Our professionals respect individuals’ unique strengths, preferences, and dignity as we use research-based best practices to help them reach their maximum potential.

Julie Bright can be reached at

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