
Treatment Interventions: What Works? What Doesn’t?

The National Autism Center Reviews Best Practice in Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders… The recently released National Standards Report, issued by the National Autism Center (led by executive director Susan Wilczynski, BCBA), provides a detailed review of the evidence supporting various educational and behavioral treatments for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (under age 22).  Not since the National Research Council’s 2001 Educating Children with Autism have we seen such a comprehensive review of research-based interventions.  This report also covers so-called “Emerging Treatments”, which are ones that do not have sufficient research to verify their effectiveness—at least not yet (including Cognitive Behavior Interventions, Imitation-based Interaction, and Theory of Mind Training).  Among the experts participating in this project were Gary Mesibov, Catherine Lord, Lynn Koegel, Robert Koegel, Sally Rogers, and many others.  Not only does this report detail the research-based interventions, but it also indicates which treatments help which diagnostic groups (where an individual is on the spectrum).

This 160 page report is available at the following link:

It’s long, but well worth the read!

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