
Time is Running Out for Feedback

[Note: this alert was also sent out to the Autism Society of North Carolina’s network of subscribers on June 8th, 2012]


Time is running out to make your voice heard on the managed care system in North Carolina! The Autism Society of North Carolina, in collaboration with the Arc and other Developmental Disability Advocates, have made recommendations to legislative leadership to improve the managed care system created with House Bill 916 last year. The best way for you to help move these proposals forward is through grassroots contact with lawmakers.


The current managed care plan needs changes to meet the needs of people with developmental disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder. The plan needs to:

  • Allow for an Independent Care Coordinator so that individuals have someone other than the Managed Care Organization develop the person-centered plan and link to appropriate services.
  • Ensure that if an individual has CAP I/DD their slot is portable so they can move within the state without his/her services interrupted simply because of where his/her Medicaid was first established.
  • Ensure stakeholders, especially families and individuals, are involved in managed care implementation and oversight.

Legislators have been listening, and we believe they want to fix these issues, but they need to hear from you, their constituents, that you want this to happen!

Tell your legislators that:


You support changes to HB 916 (last year’s HB 916 is also known as SL 2011-264: Statewide Expansion of the BC Waiver)


Then use the bulleted talking points above in your phone call or email. Briefly tell your story about how autism spectrum disorder is impacting you and your family. Emails will make a difference, but phone calls have even more impact!


Please contact:


Thank you for taking action on this critical issue. If you have questions about this alert, other policy issues that impact autism, or need help looking up your Legislators, please contact Jennifer Mahan, Director of Government Relations, Autism Society of North Carolina, 919-865-5068

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