Closer Look: NC Budget Appropriations Act of 2014 and Medicaid Reform

Posts Tagged ‘public policy’

Closer Look: NC Budget Appropriations Act of 2014 and Medicaid Reform

This article is the second of several wrapping up the 2014 legislative session. Look for more details on the budget and issues related to education in coming days.  The NC General Assembly passes two-year budgets during its long sessions in odd calendar years. During the short sessions, like this year, they make adjustments to the…

State Budget Package Finalized; Autism Insurance Reform Set Aside

This article is the first of several wrapping up the 2014 legislative session. Look for more details on the budget and information on other legislation passed during the session in coming days.  The NC House and Senate agreed on a budget package to adjust the final year of the current two-year budget and passed the…

NC Budget Compromise Stalls; Managed Care/Medicaid Bill Gets More Changes

Budget Update Senate and House calendars have remained rather empty the past few weeks as we wrap up the third week of July without a budget deal. Last week, the leadership in both chambers exchanged another round of offers, but at the end of the day, there is no final budget adjustments bill. North Carolina…

Autism Insurance Reform Gets Another Chance

This week, the NC House passed S493, Health and Safety Regulatory Reform. The House had been debating various regulatory reform bills for the past week, and on Tuesday, they introduced a new version of S493 that included autism insurance reform with very similar bill language to House bill 498, which was passed last year, as…

House Approves its Budget Adjustments Bill

As we wrote about in a previous budget update, the NC Senate passed its version of the budget on May 30. That Senate bill contained a number of cuts and policy changes that would negatively affect people on the autism spectrum and people with disabilities. The House responded with its version, which passed Friday, June…

General Assembly Budget Update and Action Alert!

Last week, the NC Senate passed a budget adjustments bill that proposes cuts to teacher’s assistants, other school funds, and Medicaid, including the cutting of so-called “optional populations,” such as those eligible for Special Assistance and the medically needy. See our previous post for details on the proposal. In short, these cuts would be devastating…

Senate Approves Budget Adjustments Bill

During the long legislative session last year, the NC General Assembly created a two-year budget for the state. During this year’s short legislative session, lawmakers review the budget and make adjustments based on current spending, revenues, and any new priorities that arose in the past year. The governor released his budget proposal several weeks ago,…

Moratorium Would Kill Autism Insurance Reform

The Joint Study Committee on the Affordable Care Act, which is a specially appointed committee that has been meeting for the past few months, plans to make its recommendations to the General Assembly on Tuesday, May 14, including a proposed bill that would place a MORATORIUM ON ANY NEW HEALTH INSURANCE MANDATES. The moratorium is…

NC Legislative Session Starts May 14: What You Need to Know

May 14 begins the “short” session of the North Carolina General Assembly. The short session takes place in even years and lasts about 6-7 weeks. Typically, legislators will make adjustments to the budget and take up a few pieces of legislation that either were not completed the previous year or are being introduced based on…