Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month: A Growing Community and Collaboration

Posts Tagged ‘public policy’

Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month: A Growing Community and Collaboration

This article was contributed by David Laxton, ASNC Director of Communications. It’s remarkable how much more the public and media understand and talk about autism today. Maybe it’s because more people are being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Maybe it’s because there are more opportunities to learn about the needs of the community. Whatever…

Make Your Voice Heard

The Autism Society of North Carolina is the leading advocate for individuals with autism and their families in our state. But we cannot do the important work of creating positive change for the autism community without your help. Together, our voices on public policy and legislative matters will draw more attention to our causes. Next…

ASNC Advocates for People with Autism and Their Families, Part 2

Editor’s note: This is part 2 of a Q&A with Jennifer Mahan, ASNC Director of Advocacy and Public Policy, and Kerri Erb, Senior Director of Quality and Programs. We have merged their responses to each of the questions. What do you, Jennifer Mahan and Kerri Erb, do? Here are the main areas: Coordinating public policy Communicate…

Update on Voting Rights Legislation: H 589 VIVA/Election Reform

On Tuesday, ASNC alerted the public that changes made to H 589 would threaten the rights of individuals with guardianship to vote. Thank you for your advocacy on this issue: You were heard!  We can now report that Senator Apodaca introduced an amendment to the bill on the floor of the Senate Wednesday night that…

Update and Alert: Children w/ Disabilities Education Tax Credit and Scholarship Program

Note: an hour after this blog was posted we got word that Senate Finance scheduled an additional meeting Wednesday July 17 at 1 PM and has put H269 on the calendar!  We are looking forward to the committee discussion and a favorable vote.  Feel free to let your own Senator know your support for the…

Managed Care and Partnership for a Healthy North Carolina

In early April, the Governor McCrory announced a proposal to reform Medicaid  under a new comprehensive Section 1115 waiver that would integrate all Medicaid services (physical health, mental health, long-term care, etc.) into a seamless statewide system under a managed care model known as the Partnership for a Healthy North Carolina. The proposal would, according…

Public Policy Update: Some Bills Survived “Crossover” and Some Did Not

As I mentioned in my previous blog posting, the week of May 10th to 14th at the General Assembly was crossover,  a “do or die” week for policy bills introduced in the legislative long session. Simplified: bills that pass one chamber, either the NC House or the NC Senate, stay “alive” and can be voted…

Autism Insurance Update: Insurance Committee Hearing for H 498 Scheduled!

House Bill 498 that would require group insurance plans and the state health plan in North Carolina to cover treatment of autism is scheduled for a House Insurance Committee hearing on Tuesday May 14, 2013 at 1PM in room 1228/1327 of the Legislative Building. The House bill would ensure that plans for companies that operate…

Autism Insurance Legislation Introduced in North Carolina!

  North Carolina General Assembly Representatives Chuck McGrady, Tom Murry, Phil Sheppard and Trisha Cotham have introduced NC House Bill 498, titled “Mandate Autism Health Coverage.” The bill would ensure that health benefits plans in North Carolina will provide coverage for diagnostic and treatment services for Autism Spectrum Disorders in individuals in private and state…