Parent-to-Parent Support – It Will Change Your Life

Posts Tagged ‘parent support’

Parent-to-Parent Support – It Will Change Your Life

What is support? As a verb it means: To bear all or a part of the weight of, hold up. Give approval, comfort, or encouragement.   When families first call an Autism Resource Specialist, we encourage them to get involved with a local support group, such as the ASNC Chapters. Why do we do this?…

A Parent’s Perspective – By Kathleen Dolbee

Editor’s Note – This article is from Kathleen Dolbee, a parent, educator, and ASNC Parent Advocate/Trainer. Kathleen can be reached by email at Last year I attended a conference at Western Carolina University, a small conference, more like a class. At the request of the professors presenting, before beginning we took turns introducing ourselves…