Share Your Public Policy Priorities

Posts Tagged ‘North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’

Share Your Public Policy Priorities

  This article was contributed by Jennifer Mahan, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy at ASNC. The Autism Society of North Carolina advocates with policymakers at the General Assembly, state departments and divisions, and LME/MCOs to help create better services and opportunities for people on the autism spectrum. We are developing our public policy targets for…

2016 Legislative Wrap-Up: Education Budget and Bills

This article was contributed by Jennifer Mahan, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy at ASNC. It is the second of three parts wrapping up the NC General Assembly’s 2016 short session. Teacher and school staff raises, education programs and supplies: The budget adjustments bill adds $240 million for teacher and school staff raises, plus an…

Legislative Wrap-up 2014: Education Policy

This article is the last of several wrapping up the 2014 legislative session.  The Autism Society of North Carolina’s focus on education continued to highlight improving education for children with disabilities in public schools while also offering options to parents who need to find different academic settings. Public Education: Per-student funding was not changed for…

Tips, Myths, and Facts about the IEP Process

This article was contributed by Nancy LaCross, ASNC Autism Resource Specialist in the Raleigh area and mother of an adult son with autism. The Autism Society of North Carolina has 18 Autism Resource Specialists serving all 100 counties in our state. We receive phone calls from parents and professionals about lots of issues, but the most…

All Students Count: Testing for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

This article was contributed by Vickie Dieter, ASNC Autism Resource Specialist. All students count. It is a worthy sentiment, but it has not always been the case in terms of students with disabilities participating in state achievement tests. Upon signing the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), President George Bush made a statement that might…

Senate Approves Budget Adjustments Bill

During the long legislative session last year, the NC General Assembly created a two-year budget for the state. During this year’s short legislative session, lawmakers review the budget and make adjustments based on current spending, revenues, and any new priorities that arose in the past year. The governor released his budget proposal several weeks ago,…

Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month: A Growing Community and Collaboration

This article was contributed by David Laxton, ASNC Director of Communications. It’s remarkable how much more the public and media understand and talk about autism today. Maybe it’s because more people are being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Maybe it’s because there are more opportunities to learn about the needs of the community. Whatever…

Tax Credits for Children with Disabilities: NC House Bill 344

  [The Autism Society of North Carolina now has a comprehensive fact sheet on HB 344 Education Tax Credit for Children with Disabilities on its website here.]   Thursday June 30th 2011 House Bill 344 Tax Credits for Children with Disabilities  became law in North Carolina. Starting this year, families will be able to claim a…

Important Information for Students on the Occupational Course of Study in High School

Freda Lee, Consultant for the Mental/Intellectual Disabilities Program for the NC Department of Public Instruction (DPI), recently presented information to the Council on Educational Services for Exceptional Children; her topic was the Occupational Course of Study (OCS), one of only two diploma-tracks for high school students in NC.  Because NC’s OCS did not meet federal…