May 14 begins the “short” session of the North Carolina General Assembly. The short session takes place in even years and lasts about 6-7 weeks. Typically, legislators will make adjustments to the budget and take up a few pieces of legislation that either were not completed the previous year or are being introduced based on…
Public Policy Update: State Budget 2013 to 2015
State Budget 2013-2015 During the long legislative session, such as the one currently going on, the General Assembly creates a two year budget for the state. This session, the NC Senate started the process by passing a proposed budget bill several weeks ago. The NC House has now responded with their budget proposal. The two…
More North Carolina Budget Woes
At the end of the legislative session, state budget writers went from debating a zero to 10 million dollar cut, to taking a 20 million dollar cut out of state funded services for people with developmental disabilities, mental illness and addictive disease. While it is the same cut as last year, it has much greater impact….