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Wrapping Up the 2015 Legislative Session

Posts Tagged ‘NC Legislature Autism’

Wrapping Up the 2015 Legislative Session

This article was contributed by Jennifer Mahan, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy at ASNC. The NC General Assembly recently concluded an eight-month legislative session,Ā the longest on record for the past 14 years. During the long session, ASNC continued to advocate for our legislative priorities, including access to high quality services and supports, better education…

A Closer Look at North Carolinaā€™s 2015-17 Budget

This article was contributed by Jennifer Mahan, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy at ASNC. The new state budget for budget years 2015-17, which began on July 1, 2015, sits at $21.7 billion. It includes several important policy initiatives for people with disabilities, but it also makes changes that could keep people with autism, intellectual…

FAQs related to SB 676: Autism Health Insurance Coverage

Background: After six years of working to pass coverage of autism treatments under health insurance through both chambers of the North Carolina General Assembly, the Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) decided to take a new approach to the problem: ASNC came together with other North Carolina advocacy groups, professionals, clinicians, and insurers to work…

A Closer Look at the NC House Budget

This article was contributed by Jennifer Mahan, ASNC Director of Advocacy and Public Policy. The NC House passed HB97, its version of the two-year budget, on May 22. The House budget would increase spending by $1.3 billion (6.3 percent) to address funding needs in Medicaid, education, and other services. The bill includes funds for increased…

Legislative Update for May 20 – NC House Passes Autism Insurance Bill!

The following post was filed by Jennifer Mahan, Autism Society of North Carolina Director of Advocacy and Public Policy. Crossover Week Last week, the legislature finished a very busy week known as ā€œcrossover.ā€ During each long session the NC General Assembly sets a deadline for policy bills to be approved by one chamber or the…

Action Needed: Personal Care Medicaid Changes Threaten Group Home Residents

Recent news reports have shed light on changes that will have a negative effect on individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other disabilities who receive assistance through Medicaid’s Personal Care Services (PCS). Please note that the Personal Care Services described in this blog are not the same personal care services delivered to individuals who are…