ASNC Advocating for You on Services Issues

Posts Tagged ‘NC CAP MR/DD waiver changes’

ASNC Advocating for You on Services Issues

This article was contributed by Jennifer Mahan, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy, and Kerri Erb, Chief Program Officer. Federal Guidance on Autism Services under Medicaid ā€œWill Medicaid cover autism services including Applied Behavioral Analysis?ā€ Many families have asked this question since the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued new guidance earlier this…

A look back at a remarkable year

A few highlights from 2013 2013 was a busy year in the autism community. We witnessed the changeover in statewide service delivery from Local Management Entities (LMEs) to Managed Care Organizations (MCOs). Issues that had stalled for years with the legislature moved forward, but not all the way into law. And more families learned that…

Coalition Rally 2012

Mark your calendars now and join The Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) at the for the 2011 Coalition Popcorn Rally and Advocacy Day at the NC General Assembly on May 22nd from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm.Ā  The Autism Society of North Carolina is a long time member of The Coalition, a group of…

CAP I/DD Waiver Changes Part 2

The Community Alternatives Program for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (CAP I/DD, formerly known as CAP MR/DD) is expected to change beginning November 1st, 2011. Changes to the program still need to be approved by the Federal Government, however approval is expected and the Division of Medical Assistance which operates the CAP I/DD in…

Changes to CAP I/DD (MR/DD) Waiver

The Community Alternatives Program for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (CAP I/DD, formerly known as CAP MR/DD) is expected to change beginning November 1st, 2011. Changes to the program still need to be approved by the Federal Government, however approval is expected and the Division of Medicaid Assistance which operates the CAP I/DD in…

Information Sessions on CAP I/DD Waiver Changes

North Carolina’s Community Alternatives Program for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (CAP I/DDĀ formerly CAP MR/DD)Ā is expected to change as of November 1, 2011. The Autism Society of North Carolina will publish a longer blog post about those changes, which includes a limit on the number of habilitation hours. The Developmental Disabilities Training Institute has…

Upcoming changes for CAP MR/DD Waiver recipients

Changes are coming to North Carolina’sĀ  Medicaid Waiver program, commonly referred to as the Community Alternatives Program for Persons with Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities or CAP MR/DD. In July, the NC Division of Medical Assistance (DMA-Ā which oversees Medicaid in NC) and the Division of Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities/Substance Abuse (MH/DD/SAS) announced new policies for CAP MR/DD waiver…