My Baby is Your One in Seventy

Posts Tagged ‘momof3au’

My Baby is Your One in Seventy

America is the Land of Opportunity, founded by people who strongly believed if you want something badly enough it can be yours for the taking, with the emphasis on the taking.  Another way of looking at it is the “Smash ‘n Grab” philosophy, often enacted after a “Scatter and Confuse” military tactic ensues.  Let’s leave…

Prisoner on Paper

Handling your child’s official paperwork.

Welcome to My World(s)

Struggling with the “culture of autism”.

Autism Hand-Me-Downs

Dear IACC, I love hand-me-downs.  My friends and acquaintances buy the best stuff for their kids.  Our problem is we constantly need to re-shuffle by tossing clothes into the Give Away, Put Away, or Throw Away bags.  They overflow.  Action must be taken.  Much maintenance is needed because the children have the nerve to keep changing…

A Broken Healing

The grieving process.

From Toy Box to Toolbox

A review of The Integrated Self Advocacy ISA Curriculum by Valerie Paradiz

WARNING! Helicopter Moms

The pros and cons of being a hovering caregiver.

IEP Cheat Sheet, Quick & Dirty*

IEP tips.


Article on multiplex autism in families and how no one is tracking the numbers.