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Autism And The Holidays: Thriving This Holiday Season

Posts Tagged ‘holiday stress’

Autism And The Holidays: Thriving This Holiday Season

The winter months are upon us, and with it comes holiday celebrations with family and friends. If youā€™re like me, the thought of the holidays makes you cringe because you know it can be such an overwhelming time for your loved ones living with autism. We feel tense about the crowds, the food choices, the…

ā€™Tis the Season ā€¦ for Opportunities!

Many families who have children and other family members with an Autism Spectrum Disorder have a collection of war stories and battle scars (emotional and physical) associated with the holiday season. Children, youth, and adults with autism who already struggle with over-stimulation, change, and disruption are bombarded with a barrage of sights, smells, sounds, schedule…