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Programa de Apoyo al Empleo: Ayudando a los adultos a encontrar el trabajo adecuado

Posts Tagged ‘employment’

Programa de Apoyo al Empleo: Ayudando a los adultos a encontrar el trabajo adecuado

Artículo publicado en la revista de ASNC, Spectrum, en febrero del 2022. En el año 2021, el personal de Apoyo al Empleo (Employment Support) de la Autism Society of North Carolina ayudó a más de 220 adultos en su búsqueda de empleo. Los adultos con Autismo empezaron a trabajar en una variedad de funciones, incluyendo…

TIPS Serves Adults with Autism

Serving others is obviously important to members of the Triangle Indian-American Physicians Society (TIPS); they are, after all, in health care. But serving outside of their chosen careers is also important to them. For years, members have volunteered their efforts and expertise at free clinics all around the Triangle and at a yearly free screening….

Supported Employment Brings Fulfillment

Editor’s note: This article previously appeared in ASNC’s Spectrum magazine. David Roth’s parents never have to wake him up in the morning or push him to get out the door on time for his job. The 27-year-old with autism works at the Courtyard in Chapel Hill, mostly in the fast-paced, physically demanding laundry, but he…

Public Policy Update: Some Bills Survived “Crossover” and Some Did Not

As I mentioned in my previous blog posting, the week of May 10th to 14th at the General Assembly was crossover,  a “do or die” week for policy bills introduced in the legislative long session. Simplified: bills that pass one chamber, either the NC House or the NC Senate, stay “alive” and can be voted…