Update and Alert: Children w/ Disabilities Education Tax Credit and Scholarship Program

Posts Tagged ‘education tax credits’

Update and Alert: Children w/ Disabilities Education Tax Credit and Scholarship Program

Note: an hour after this blog was posted we got word that Senate Finance scheduled an additional meeting Wednesday July 17 at 1 PM and has put H269 on the calendar!  We are looking forward to the committee discussion and a favorable vote.  Feel free to let your own Senator know your support for the…

Public Policy Update: Some Bills Survived “Crossover” and Some Did Not

As I mentioned in my previous blog posting, the week of May 10th to 14th at the General Assembly was crossover,  a “do or die” week for policy bills introduced in the legislative long session. Simplified: bills that pass one chamber, either the NC House or the NC Senate, stay “alive” and can be voted…

Public Policy Update: Governor’s Budget, Education Scholarships, and Group Home Fix

The Autism Society of North Carolina advocates on public policy issues, monitors activities of the General Assembly and works to inform you about how these issue might affect people on the autism spectrum. If you have questions about these or other policy issues, please post your questions below or contact Jennifer Mahan, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy…

NC General Assembly Legislative Session Wrap-up

This article was published in The Autism Society of North Carolina’s summer 2011 issue of The Spectrum. Current and past issues of The Spectrum can be found under Publications on our website. Families, self-advocates and ASNC faced difficult challenges in advocating for better services and supports for people on the autism spectrum as we headed into the long…