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State Budget and Managed Care Waiver Update

Posts Tagged ‘Developmental disability’

State Budget and Managed Care Waiver Update

NC State Budget Last week the NC General Assembly passed a budget for the 2011-2013 budget years that was compromise bill negotiated between the NC House and NC Senate, prior to the Senate passing their own budget. In the final version, the General Assembly used the House version of the budget numbers for Health and…

Senate Budget Released: More Cuts to Autism!

On May 24, the North Carolina Senate released its version of the state budget, which cuts an additional 3% from Health and Human Services programs, including $30 million in cuts to state funded services (IPRS), $51 million more in cuts to Medicaid optional services for adults, $10 million in cuts to non-profits, and $25 million…

Managed Care Waivers: A Guide for What You Should Know

There are days in public policy work where it can feel like you are wandering lost, and unlike the woman pictured here there is no map. Then there are the days where you have no shortage of maps, but they all say to go in different directions. One of my jobs at the Autism Society in North Carolina (ASNC)…

House Budget Proposal Released, Includes 1915 b/c Managed Care Waiver

  Budget: The General Assembly House Appropriations Sub-committees released their budget proposals and budget special provisions last week.  In most cases, sub-committees used the Governor’s budget cuts as a starting point and then cut an additional 1.6 billion dollars from the state budget for a total reduction of 2.5 billion dollars from the base budget….

April is Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness Month During the month of April, the Autism Society of North Carolina encourages the public to learn more about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the resources available to individuals on the autism spectrum and their families. Autism affects 1 out of every 110 children born today, making it the second most…

Make Your Voice Heard!

There are several upcoming opportunities to raise awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder, get information on budget and policy issues, advocate for services and supports, and educate elected officials.  Save the Date for Autism Awareness Day! Mark your calendars now and join The Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) at the for the 2011 Autism Awareness Day…

Bills, We Got Bills with a Capital B…

  The Autism Society of North Carolina tracks bills that could impact people on the spectrum, including legislation about the budget, education, the developmental disability system and health care, among other issues. During the long legislative session, members of the North Carolina General Assembly introduce hundreds of bills; this session, new House rules that limit…

Autism Insurance Introduced! (plus a few other bills)

The North Carolina Legislature has been busy not just looking at the state budget, but introducing policy changing bills. Here are a few of the 35 bills (so far) that The Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) is monitoring or actively advocating on due to their impact on people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Autism…