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Access Family Navigator through Trillium Health Resources

Posts Tagged ‘Developmental disability’

Access Family Navigator through Trillium Health Resources

ASNC is partnering with Trillium Health Resources for residents of Pitt, Beaufort, New Hanover, and Pender counties to provide support to individuals on Medicaid through Family Navigators. What do Family Navigators do? Family Navigators ā€“ who are all parents of loved ones with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) or traumatic brain injury (TBI) ā€“ teach…

Public Policy Update: ā€œiā€ Services in 1115 Waiver May Help Those Waiting

North Carolina is in the process of seeking approval by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services to add ā€œiā€ home and community-based services (HCBS) under our stateā€™s new 1115 Medicaid plan. These ā€œiā€ HCBS services would offer additional supports to people with disabilities who are eligible for Medicaid. NC DHHS has requested that most…

ā€œDonā€™t Forget Me!ā€ The Importance of Sibling Support

Rachelā€™s face lights up anytime she talks about Josh, her younger brother with autism. ā€œHeā€™s so funny,ā€ she says. ā€œHe goes around the house making sure all the lights are turned off ā€“ even when weā€™re still in the room.ā€ When Rachel is feeling down, Josh is quick to cheer her up with a dog…

Itā€™s Time for the Dentist!

What feelings does this title bring to you? I can tell you that just writing about the dentist brought up all the anxiety-induced emotions that having a loved one with autism spectrum disorder, I/DD, and/or anxiety can bring. I (Kim) vividly remember my three-year-old son needing to have his blood drawn. It took a papoose…

Understanding the ISP

Because my adult son receives services through the Innovations Waiver program, we contribute to his ISP, or Individual Support Plan. During the school years, we were familiar with the IEP (Individualized Education Program), but since we transitioned into the post-school era, the document that we work on every year is the ISP. An ISP is…

Vaccine Priority Update

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services announced several updates regarding COVID-19 vaccine administration on March 2, 2021. Included in the updates are changes to the vaccination priority for people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, including autism. We want to extend our sincere appreciation to Secretary Dr. Mandy Cohen, Deputy Secretary Dave Richard,…

Vaccine Priority for People with Autism

Increasing evidence is showing that people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD) are at much higher risk for contracting COVID-19, for being hospitalized with the illness, and an increased mortality rate from the illness. A Johns Hopkins analysis of insurance data indicates people with IDD are three times more likely to die when infected with…

Parent to Parent, Part 2: Practical Considerations for End-of-Life Planning

In part one of this two-part series, we addressed the fact that parents and caregivers for loved ones with disabilities such as autism will need to plan in advance for their eventual death to ensure the appropriate steps are taken for their loved one in their absence. In abstract terms, this process includes envisioning the…