Ten Handy Tips to Toilet Training (Without Tears!)

Posts Tagged ‘autism’

Ten Handy Tips to Toilet Training (Without Tears!)

Toilet training can be challenging for many caregivers and professionals, but it should never be stressful or upsetting for the child.  Some children are ready to toilet train around the same time as their peers, and others are not.   For some children with autism, the process will be fairly quick – they will just “get…

Access Family Navigator through Trillium Health Resources

ASNC is partnering with Trillium Health Resources for residents of Pitt, Beaufort, New Hanover, and Pender counties to provide support to individuals on Medicaid through Family Navigators. What do Family Navigators do? Family Navigators – who are all parents of loved ones with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) or traumatic brain injury (TBI) – teach…

Public Policy Update: Rate Increase to Support Wages for Direct Support Workers A First Step in Right Direction

The state budget that passed in December 2021 included funding towards increasing Medicaid home and community-based provider rates so that wages paid to direct support professionals/direct support workers can be increased. While the budget special provision language states that 15.00 per hour is the goal, there is not enough money appropriated in the budget to…

Integrated Care: Why it Matters and How to Achieve it

“Integrated care” is a term that has begun showing up more in healthcare settings as something desired and positive. You may have also heard of it referred to as “whole-person care” or “coordinated care,” but those terms don’t tell us what it is, why we want it, or how to get it. This article will…

Supporting Someone with Autism in Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

When my son was diagnosed with autism at the age of three, sleep was amongst our greatest concerns. From the time he was born, our son had issues falling asleep and staying asleep. Never did we sleep through the night for more than three straight nights (once we went through the circus act of getting…

Public Policy Update: Competitive Integrated Employment in North Carolina Enters New Era with Plan for Closure of “Sheltered Workshops”  

The state of North Carolina (NC DHHS) announced they have entered into a settlement agreement with Disability Rights North Carolina and the Center for Public Representation to ensure that over 1,000 individuals with disabilities currently working in segregated employment settings have the opportunity to seek out community-based integrated competitive employment.  Segregated employment settings, often called…