La pereza del verano. Fragmentos de tiempo cuando los niños tienen la casa para ellos solos. El tiempo de inactividad se convierte en un vacío. Las horas pasarán a medida que los niños desaparezcan en la tecnología. Se fusionarán con la computadora y se eliminará toda posibilidad de hablar. ¿Se está haciendo un buen uso…
Como Ayudar a su ser Querido a Mantenerse Activo
Publicado in ingles 30 de enero de 2020 La actividad física puede ser un desafío para las personas con autismo porque muchas tienen dificultades con las habilidades motoras, la coordinación ojo-mano y el equilibrio. Seamos realistas, así como muchos de nosotros, a menudo carecemos de motivación para hacer ejercicio, es posible que las personas con…
La Importancia de las Habilidades en el Tiempo Libre
Publicado in ingles 17 de abril de 2019 El tiempo libre, es una de las áreas que a veces olvidamos cuando pensamos en programas de intervenciones significativas. Nos enfocamos en enseñar todas las demás cosas buenas, como solicitar, cuidarse a sí mismo y entablar una conversación. Pero piense en algunos de los mejores momentos de…
The Impact of Nutrition on Physical and Mental Health
Note: This blog was written by Juliette Heim, Autism Resource Specialist, and Kristy Myers, Health Consultant at the Autism Society of North Carolina. Juliette Heim’s reflections on her experience as a parent to a son with autism are in italics. Health is broadly defined as “a state of physical, mental and social well-being, in…
“Are Chicken Nuggets a Vegetable?” and Other Mealtime Musings: Selective Eating in Autism
One of the first jobs of parenting is to keep your child healthy and nourished by ensuring they eat a variety of nutritious foods, alongside the extra treats and occasional Happy Meal that accompanies childhood. Before having children, many of us felt like this would be the easy part. Three meals a day, snacks sprinkled…
Managing End-of-Year Stress at School
Hurray, the school year is ending! Bummer, it is the beginning of state testing! This is the time of year when some children feel like giving up on school because they are mentally checked out. However, this is the time of year when children have to amp it up on both their brainpower and their…
Win-win: Brother wins contest, builds autism acceptance
Colin Maxwell has always had a way of talking to his sister, who has autism. “Because Kayleigh is 18, and he’s 11, he doesn’t know anything else but having a sister who has autism. He does amazing with her,” says Stephanie Maxwell, their mother. “She responds so well.” Colin always has patience and gives Kayleigh…
Parent-to-Parent Support – It Will Change Your Life
What is support? As a verb it means: To bear all or a part of the weight of, hold up. Give approval, comfort, or encouragement. When families first call an Autism Resource Specialist, we encourage them to get involved with a local support group, such as the ASNC Chapters. Why do we do this?…