Confessions of an Autism Mom

Posts Tagged ‘autism’

Confessions of an Autism Mom

Being a mom of three with autism has some irony.  Confession Number One:  I have a big fear of being misunderstood.  Since autism is a communication disorder, opportunities present for personal fear mongering.  Exposure to optimism training, through Dr. Carolyn Kessler who was at TEACCH, has helped me look at things differently, including people-pleasing tendencies….

Upcoming Conference on Various Disabilities

Join the Community Resource Alliance as they explore issues and solutions to the challenges we all are facing in these difficult times. This event will be a cross-disability conference with sessions that will appeal to self-advocates, direct support professionals, families, supervisors, managers, case managers, clinicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, service providers and more.  Check the…


A commentary on The Myths and Partial Myths of Autism

How I Saved My Marriage

Having a marriage while raising children is sort of like climbing a mountain.  You realize you’re all tied together and there’s no easy getting off.  You stay in the moment because you know you have to.  Sometimes, you may even want to. Eventually, the climb becomes more synchronized.  Once upon even ground, however temporary, the…

Just Tell Me What You Want

New Year’s Wishes.

“Dear, It’s About The Children…”

Telling others about your child’s autism.

For You, From momof3au

A visual work system to teach teeth brushing.

My Baby is Your One in Seventy

America is the Land of Opportunity, founded by people who strongly believed if you want something badly enough it can be yours for the taking, with the emphasis on the taking.  Another way of looking at it is the “Smash ‘n Grab” philosophy, often enacted after a “Scatter and Confuse” military tactic ensues.  Let’s leave…

Welcome to My World(s)

Struggling with the “culture of autism”.