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Posts Tagged ‘autism support’

Autism Awareness: We Are All Human

I’m here to talk to you about autism awareness. The autism community could use the help of people who aren’t a part of it. People who have autism can talk and behave differently from people without it. If someone without autism knows that the person with autism they’re talking to has it, they’ll understand and…

Focus on Anxiety at the Annual Conference

Dr. Patrick Friman, who has more than 30 years of experience as a licensed psychologist, opened the Autism Society of North Carolina’s annual conference with “Anxiety and Sleep: Addressing Life’s Challenges.” For those who were not able to attend his presentation in Charlotte, we are sharing highlights of the anxiety portion here. Dr. Friman began…

Visual Schedules Important Even as Children Grow Up

My son Logan is 18 years old, soon to turn 19. I have learned over the years how important it is to Logan to have a visual schedule. The schedule must be specific as well as complete. The details of his day must be spelled out and available for him to see. Not having something…

Governor Declares NC an Employment First State

Gov. Roy Cooper declared North Carolina an Employment First state last week, signing an executive order to increase employment opportunities for people with disabilities. “North Carolina can be its best when all people have the opportunity to achieve their potential and live lives of purpose, including North Carolinians with disabilities,” Gov. Cooper said. “With this…

Governor releases budget; NCGA begins budget process

Gov. Roy Cooper released his two-year $25.2 billion budget proposal, a 5.4% increase over last year’s enacted budget, with a clear focus on education, health care, and the state’s infrastructure. Among the highlights was a 9.1% average raise for teachers over two years, a one-time 2% cost-of-living adjustment for retired state employees, and Medicaid expansion….

When Should Parents Disclose Their Child’s Diagnosis?

Once your child has a diagnosis of autism, one of your first questions may be, “So who do I tell?” The best rule of thumb: If your child will require a level of accommodation, modification, support, service, or just patience and understanding in a certain situation, then telling someone about the diagnosis can help make…