Editor’s Note – The following post was written by Louise Buchholz Southern, M.Ed., BCBA, Training Specialist for the Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC). As professionals working in the field of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) intervention and as parents of individuals with ASD, it’s likely that we have all experienced challenging and persistent behaviors. These…
Staying Two Steps Ahead: Safety in the Community and at Home
Parents worry about their children’s health, happiness, and well-being, but parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) must look at their environment closely and take great care to ensure that their kids are safe both inside and outside the home. Why is safety for the person with ASD different from any other safety measures…
Structure – an Important Teaching Tool
Editor’s Note – This article was written by Amy Hobbs, Training Coordinator for the Autism Society of North Carolina. To read Amy’s bio click here. It was Sunday and a new group of campers had arrived in the afternoon. I was called to the old dining hall to assist a counselor who was having trouble…
Honoring Direct Support Professionals
Editor’s Note – Last week was Direct Support Professional Recognition Week in North Carolina. The Autism Society of North Carolina employs hundreds of Direct Support personnel and without their dedication and continued efforts many individuals on the autism spectrum and their families would not have needed support services. The following article was provided by Kerri…
A Parent’s Perspective – By Kathleen Dolbee
Editor’s Note – This article is from Kathleen Dolbee, a parent, educator, and ASNC Parent Advocate/Trainer. Kathleen can be reached by email at kdolbee@autismsociety-nc.org. Last year I attended a conference at Western Carolina University, a small conference, more like a class. At the request of the professors presenting, before beginning we took turns introducing ourselves…
How You Can Help
Editor’s Note – The following article is written by Kristy White, Director of Development, and describes a variety of ways people and corporations are helping to make a difference. Anyone can join the Autism Society of North Carolina’s team and make a difference in the lives of individuals with autism and their families. Whether through…
Tips for Parents Transitioning to the Innovations Waiver
Editor’s Note – The following article was written by Jean Alvarez, Parent Advocate/Trainer for the Autism Society of North Carolina and parent of a young man on the autism spectrum. Jean lives in western NC. As Local Management Entities (LMEs) move from the old system of service delivery to a network of MCOs and a…
What’s in health reform (Affordable Care Act) for people on the autism spectrum?
Editor’s Note – Thanks to Jennifer Mahan, Autism Society of North Carolina Director of Government Relations for the following analysis of last week’s Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act. The Supreme Court of the United States recently upheld the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which would expand health care coverage for many people in…
Run or Walk for Autism this fall
Editor’s Note – The following Blog article was written by Heather Hargrave, Development Associate and Run/Walk for Autism Coordinator. Lace up your running shoes and participate in the 2012 fall run/walks for autism and help us make a difference in the lives of over 60,000 individuals with autism in North Carolina. Regardless of the event…