Recognize Your Direct Support Professional

Posts Tagged ‘autism support’

Recognize Your Direct Support Professional

This article was contributed by Kerri Erb, Senior Director of Quality and Programs. Direct support professional (DSP), community skills instructor (CSI), habilitation technician (hab tech), CAP worker – whatever their names, these individuals should be recognized. Every day, they work one-to-one with individuals with autism, teaching skill acquisition and supporting them in reaching their goals….

State Wants to Hear from You on IDD Services

The NC Department of Health and Human Services is seeking public input as it works to create a better way to provide services for people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. The Division of Mental Health Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services and the Division of Medical Assistance will be holding listening sessions across the state….

Surviving School in a Nutshell

This article was contributed by Kim Tizzard, Autism Resource Specialist and mom to a son with autism. The beginning of a new school year has somehow snuck up on us. For many, the uncertainty of how our child’s needs will be met can be a source of angst. Like a video loop, the same thoughts…

Legislative Wrap-up 2014: Education Policy

This article is the last of several wrapping up the 2014 legislative session.  The Autism Society of North Carolina’s focus on education continued to highlight improving education for children with disabilities in public schools while also offering options to parents who need to find different academic settings. Public Education: Per-student funding was not changed for…

Closer Look: NC Budget Appropriations Act of 2014 and Medicaid Reform

This article is the second of several wrapping up the 2014 legislative session. Look for more details on the budget and issues related to education in coming days.  The NC General Assembly passes two-year budgets during its long sessions in odd calendar years. During the short sessions, like this year, they make adjustments to the…

State Budget Package Finalized; Autism Insurance Reform Set Aside

This article is the first of several wrapping up the 2014 legislative session. Look for more details on the budget and information on other legislation passed during the session in coming days.  The NC House and Senate agreed on a budget package to adjust the final year of the current two-year budget and passed the…

Tips, Myths, and Facts about the IEP Process

This article was contributed by Nancy LaCross, ASNC Autism Resource Specialist in the Raleigh area and mother of an adult son with autism. The Autism Society of North Carolina has 18 Autism Resource Specialists serving all 100 counties in our state. We receive phone calls from parents and professionals about lots of issues, but the most…

NC Budget Compromise Stalls; Managed Care/Medicaid Bill Gets More Changes

Budget Update Senate and House calendars have remained rather empty the past few weeks as we wrap up the third week of July without a budget deal. Last week, the leadership in both chambers exchanged another round of offers, but at the end of the day, there is no final budget adjustments bill. North Carolina…

Selecting a Board Certified Behavior Analyst

This article was contributed by Leica Anzaldo, Training Manager for the Autism Society of North Carolina. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) has gotten a bad rap over the years, and up until a few years ago, I too had some misconceptions. Common assumptions are that ABA: creates robotic results is very rigid and does not allow…