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Posts Tagged ‘autism support’

Andrea Miller-Weir Named 2023 Roman Award Winner

When Direct Support Professional Andrea Miller-Weir began working with 11-year-old Alex Bagley, he couldnā€™t put his face underwater in the pool. With Miller-Weirā€™s help, Alex became an award-winning swimmer and Special Olympics athlete. In the years since their first meeting, Miller-Weir has supported Alex through high school graduation, securing meaningful employment, and traveling the world….

Jo Herring and Karen Pullom Honored with McCrimmon Award

The McCrimmon Award is named for Ed McCrimmon, a longtime member of the Autism Society of North Carolina staff. He was known for his outstanding dedication and integrity as he served individuals with autism. Tragically, he died in 2017. The McCrimmon Award was established to keep Edā€™s memory alive, and at the same time, celebrate…

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC): Factors to Guide Decision Making

An estimated 25-30% of children with autism are considered minimally verbal. Communication delays can be directly related to the core characteristics of autism or the result of commonly co-occurring conditions like verbal apraxia. Difficulty communicating wants and needs can be distressing for both autistic individuals and their families, impacting social relationships, access to education, and…

The Tools that Help Me Organize a Neurodivergent Life

I live at the intersection between ADHD and Autism. While I love my neurodivergent brain (most of the time), there is absolutely no doubt that I have to organize my life strategically to stay on top of #adulting. Not going to lie, even though I have extensive coping systems in place, some stuff falls through…

Parenting the Young Adult with Low Support Needs

Iā€™ve entered that phase of motherhood that most of us donā€™t prepare for ā€“ the parent of a young adult on the spectrum with low support needs. It is a tricky time when we see our young adults have the capacity to become independent, but they need some help, and we may not know as…

New Space and New Energy for ACLE in Greensboro

In 2022, the Autism Society of North Carolinaā€™s Greensboro services moved into a new building. As a result, the Autism Center for Life Enrichment (ACLE), our day program in Greensboro, received a makeover. ACLEā€™s new space includes so many opportunities for participants. There are rooms to practice a variety of skills ā€“ from a model…

Ascend, Day Program for Adults, Opens in Asheville

The Autism Society of North Carolinaā€™s newest day program for adults, Ascend, opened in Asheville in February. For Michael LePage, Regional Services Director, a day program for the Asheville area is a long-held dream. ā€œEvery year, people are graduating and falling off the services cliff,ā€ he said. ā€œItā€™s tough without those supports and natural structures….

Accommodations at Work

Almost everyone uses tools at work: cash registers, computers, the Internet, heavy machinery, pens, hammers, paintbrushes ā€“ the list could go on forever. We use these tools to perform our jobs to the best of our ability, so we do not hesitate to request them if we do not have all the ones we need….