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Focus on Sensory Processing Strategies at Annual Conference

Posts Tagged ‘Autism Spectrum Disorders’

Focus on Sensory Processing Strategies at Annual Conference

The Autism Society of North Carolina held its annual conference March 24-25 in Charlotte. We will be sharing information from conference presentations in upcoming blog posts. Linda King-Thomas, a co-founder of Developmental Therapy Associates in Durham, presented on “Sensory Processing Issues and Practical Strategies” on the second day of the conference. Sensory integration is the…

Action Alert: Ask Representatives to Stop Medicaid Cuts

Action Alert: Proposed Changes to Medicaid Will Cut Funding Call Your Representatives Today!   Congress is moving quickly to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare) and replace it with the American Health Care Act, or AHCA. This bill will make drastic cuts to the Medicaid program affecting people with autism who are currently…

Craven County Chapter Leader Recognized

Kim Hoffman has selflessly given hours and hours of service as the Leader of the ASNC Craven County Chapter since January 2015. With the help of other dedicated volunteers, she has touched so many lives through the Chapter, organizing dozens of educational events, social activities, and awareness efforts in her community. Kim’s passion and energy…

How to Help as a Grandparent

This article was contributed by Terry Fetzer, who is an Autism Resource Specialist in the Eastern region and has a son and a grandson with autism. Most of us remember what a miracle it was when we became a parent of a child. The years pass, and now your child is an adult having a…

Understanding Autism with the Hula Hoop Analogy

This article was contributed by Nancy Popkin, Autism Resource Specialist in the Charlotte region and mom to a son with autism. One of the keys to parenting, working with, or just hanging out with an individual with autism is to truly understand the core characteristics of autism. Applying these core characteristics enhances our understanding of…

Chef Pepper Jack’s Food Drive

When 17-year-old Jack Cullen began to notice people on streets holding signs requesting donations, food, or jobs, he started asking questions. He wanted to understand why they didn’t have food or jobs. He wondered whether they had homes or other belongings. The growing concern that Jack displayed led his Autism Support Professional, Holly, to ask…

’Tis the Season … for Opportunities!

Many families who have children and other family members with an Autism Spectrum Disorder have a collection of war stories and battle scars (emotional and physical) associated with the holiday season. Children, youth, and adults with autism who already struggle with over-stimulation, change, and disruption are bombarded with a barrage of sights, smells, sounds, schedule…

Surviving the Season: Tips to Help You Enjoy the Holidays

The holidays are anticipated by many, yet when the temperatures cool and bells start jingling, we will all be likely to hear people around us talking about the added stress and strain they can bring to families as well. This can be doubly true for families with a loved one on the spectrum, who must…