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Autism Self-Advocates Bring Hope to Conference

Posts Tagged ‘Autism Spectrum Disorder’

Autism Awareness is for YOU, Autistic Person! Yes, You!

While autism awareness may appear to focus on teaching non-autistics about autism, it is also about us! The ones WITH the autism! It is very important for a non-autistic (a neurotypical) to treat another person with autism with patience and understanding. However, it is much more important for an autistic person to treat themselves with…

Focus on Healthy Habits at 2018 Annual Conference

The Autism Society of North Carolina held its 2018 annual conference March 23-24 in Charlotte. We will be sharing information from conference presentations in upcoming blog posts. Mindy Govan and Alicia DiDomizio, the Director and Assistant Director of ASNCā€™s IGNITE program for young adults on the spectrum, provided conference attendees with many tips they could…

Why is This Behavior Occurring?

Everyone has walked into a grocery store and seen a child crying while reaching for a candy bar in the checkout lane. Perhaps youā€™ve experienced a toddler cry and scream when you walk out of the room, only to hear her stop as soon as you walk back inside. If youā€™re a parent, you may…

Legislative Committee Studying Supports for Transition to Adulthood

The NC General Assembly created a legislative research committee to look at the needs of individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD), including autism. The committee is collecting information and hearing from various stakeholders in order to make recommendations to the General Assembly about the quality and quantity of services available to those with IDD…

Funding Available for Students in Private K-12 and Home Schools

North Carolina offers three programs to provide funding for K-12 students who opt for a non-public education. In North Carolina, ā€œnon-public educationā€ includes private schools and home schools, including home-school cooperatives. Each state funding program has different application processes and eligibility criteria. Two programs are specifically for students with a significant disability, as determined by…

On the Road to Interdependence

Merriam-Webster defines independence as the quality or state of being independent, or competence. Other words used to express independence include self-support, self-subsistence, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, and finally, self-dependence. How many times have you heard or said the word ā€œindependentlyā€ or used any of these synonyms when discussing goals, measuring growth, or contemplating the future as it…

Free workshop on behavior coming to the Triangle

As parents of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and as professionals working with individuals on the spectrum, it is likely that we have experienced challenging and persistent behaviors. When we experience these behaviors in an individual with ASD, one of the first questions we should ask ourselves is, ā€œWhat is the individual trying to communicate…