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Un mensaje del CEO/ Director General Ejecutivo

Posts Tagged ‘Autism Society of North Carolina’

Un mensaje del CEO/ Director General Ejecutivo

Artículo publicado en la revista de ASNC, Spectrum, en agosto del 2021. En Autism Society of North Carolina, sabemos que las necesidades de cada individuo y familia son únicas, y cambian a lo largo de la vida. Nos esforzamos por reconocer en qué situación individual están las personas, y proporcionar los servicios, apoyos y recursos…

Public Policy Update

No progress on State Budget from House members State Budget Update: The NC House budget is now not expected until late July or early August. House budget leaders are sorting out the implications of billions in federal funding and its impact on the state budget. Some federal funding, like that for health and human services,…

Come Play with your Local Chapter!

It’s almost summer, and hope is blooming alongside the flowers! The improved weather means many of our Chapters are scheduling outdoor events, giving our families a chance to resume meeting in person and enjoy some fun together. We have more than 70 Chapters and Support Groups serving families in 72 counties across the state. See…

Virtual Run/Walk for Autism Results

Thank you to everyone who made the Virtual Run/Walk for Autism a success! This event, held April 17-24, benefitted Beaufort, Greenville/Winterville, and Wilmington. We would like to say a special thank you to our spring sponsors.   Competitive 5k Results Greenville 1st place overall female, Angela Suter 2nd place overall female, Heidi Laurion 3rd place…

Public Policy Update

Federal Actions  American Rescue Plan Act: Congress continues to debate the contents of the next round of Federal economic and pandemic related relief. The US House passed the American Relief Act on February 27 and the Senate Passed its version of the bill over the weekend of March 6-7. The legislation includes $1,400 checks for many Americans (including dependents and individuals with disabilities), an extension of unemployment…

Public Policy Advocacy: What’s Ahead and How to Help

As an organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of individuals on the autism spectrum and their families, ASNC advocates for public policies that support people on the spectrum and monitors changes in our developmental disability and education systems. We work with policymakers at the General Assembly, state departments such as NC Department of Health and…

Is Teletherapy Right for You? It Was for Our Family!

It all started in March 2020. When the pandemic hit, the Governor issued a stay-at-home order, and what started out as a novelty became the new norm. Being a mom to an adult son with autism, I knew the change was going to affect Eric, but I am forever grateful for the benefits teletherapy continues…

Mosaic Pediatric Therapy’s #CampRoyallChallenge Raises $25,822 for Camp Royall!

Camp Royall spirit was strong on social media in the past months, thanks to Mosaic Pediatric Therapy’s Camp Royall Challenge! Mosaic Pediatric Therapy, which provides ABA therapy services across Charlotte, the Triangle, the Piedmont Triad, and Asheville, challenged camp lovers from across the state to post a video proudly reciting the Camp Royall cheer or…

Finding New Traditions in 2020 While Honoring the Old

The holiday season is fast approaching. Late October is typically when our family starts to coordinate travel plans with extended family. You know, the usual: who will sleep where, who will cook what, what time we should leave the house to start the four-hour drive… and on it goes. To be frank, we usually do…