Good Excuses to Buy an iTouch or iPodā€¦

Posts Tagged ‘Autism Society of North Carolina’

Good Excuses to Buy an iTouch or iPodā€¦

First-Then Visual SchedulesĀ  I bet Apple didnā€™t realize that their iTouch and iPod would be so popular with people with autismā€¦but spending $500 for an iTouch with some helpful apps beats buying an augmentative communication device (aug comm.) for $1000 or more. Youā€™ve probably seen the articles about young people with autism being able to…

Battle of Words & Numbers: Autism Insurance

The 2nd meeting – NC autism insurance coverage heats up.

Birds, Bees, ASDs

Teaching my children about sexuality, struggling with Inclusion. List of resources and strategies.

Autism Insurance Coverage Update

Autism insurance coverage will be on the agenda for the March 4 meeting of the Joint Study Committee on Autism Spectrum Disorder & Public Safety at 2 pm in Room 544 of the Legislative Office Building in downtown Raleigh. A presentation by a representative from Oliver Wyman, the actuarial firm that authored the cost study…


My experience with North Carolina Partners in Policymaking begins.

Using Visual Structure in Reading Test Practice

In the world of education, tests are unavoidable. Ā Last week’s post was about using a social story and a teaching aid/study organizer to help with Math word problems in multiple choice tests. Ā This week I use a visual work system with a practice Reading test. An End-of-Grade Reading test is an assessment used to measure…

Math Word Problems! Taking Tests!

Using social stories and visual supports to teach academic skills.

Squeezing Lemon, Added Sugar

A recount of a sticky situation.

No Pony Ride to Mars

A plea for ASNC membership.