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One Small Step For Awareness, One Giant Leap for Coverage

Posts Tagged ‘Autism Society of North Carolina’

One Small Step For Awareness, One Giant Leap for Coverage

When a community comes together…

We Are A Coalition

Invitation to and instructions on The Coalition’s Advocacy Day & Popcorn Rally, June 1, 2010.

My Lunch with Temple

Having lunch with Temple Grandin…and a few others, too.

Monday, May 10, 2010: THE PLAN

Invitation and instructions for attending the May 10, 2010 legislative meeting on NC autism insurance coverage.

What a great conference…

If you missed ASNC’s 40th Anniversary Annual Conference, then we missed you; if you were there, then you’ll know what I mean.  The two keynote speakers whom I heard, Scott Bellini and Chantal Sicile-Kira, were outstanding, entertaining, and informative.  Two of the founding members of the Autism Society of NC, Bobo Warren and Betty Camp,…


The Joint Study Committee on Autism Spectrum Disorder & Public Safety  has heard from advocates and opponents of health insurance reform that would require insurance coverage of proven treatments for people living with autism. The presentations at the first meeting, organized with assistance from the Autism Society of North Carolina and Autism Speaks, clearly established the urgency and…

Losing credit for Curriculum Assistance Classes in High School…

Did you know that students in Curriculum Assistance classes in high school will no longer receive credit for this class?  For those who do not have a child in high school, a Curriculum Assistance (CA) class is a class for students with IEPs who need additional help—it’s comparable to resource pull-out time in elementary school. …

Residential Issues To Be Reviewed in the NC Legislature

The next meeting of the Joint Study Committee on Autism Spectrum Disorders, Law Enforcement, Public Safety, and First Responders will be Thursday, April 15 at 1:30 pm, in Room 643 Legislative Office Building.  If you are not able to attend, you can listen to the proceedings; select Room 643 LOB.   The Committee will be…

Good Excuses to Buy an iTouch or iPod…

First-Then Visual Schedules  I bet Apple didn’t realize that their iTouch and iPod would be so popular with people with autism…but spending $500 for an iTouch with some helpful apps beats buying an augmentative communication device (aug comm.) for $1000 or more. You’ve probably seen the articles about young people with autism being able to…