Teaching social networking safety: tips, tools, resources from John Thomas & friends.
Fun, fun, fun at Camp Royall!!
You and your family need to join us at Camp Royall this fall. Our outstanding camp counselors and the fabulous Sara Gage have lots of fun planned. Here are some highlights: Family Fun Days: the next one will be Saturday, October 16 from 12 noon to 5 pm. Camp Royall will be open to all…
CAP-MR/DD Stakeholder Survey
During the month of September, you are invited to participate in a survey about the CAP-MR/DD Medicaid waivers (Comprehensive Waiver and Supports Waiver). Your feedback is very important to us as we continue to improve the waivers. We want to hear from individuals receiving CAP-MR/DD services, parents and guardians of individuals receiving services, service providers,…
Back to school—I love it, I love it not
Back to school—hurray! I say that now with a sigh of relief, but not for long. I hate getting up and rushing out the door, I DETEST homework and projects with a passion, and I don’t enjoy the constant monitoring of my children’s progress. What I do enjoy about my children being in school—besides watching…
My Summer Camp Experience
This past Friday, August 13th, I had the privilege of attending the Talent Show at Camp Royall. I was there to welcome families and give them information about ASNC. As it turned out, I got much more from the experience than what I gave. I arrived early to the Camp’s gym and sat out…
Surfers Healing This Month
As I posted in March (http://autismsocietyofnc.wordpress.com/2010/03/07/think-spring-think-surfing/), Surfers Healing will be coming to Wrightsville Beach later this month (Aug. 19). I know that the sign up is quite intense—some families log on at 12:01 a.m. to try to reserve a spot! Good luck to those who succeeded; keep tabs on the Surfers Healing website for videos. …
Another request for input from policymakers
The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ Administration on Developmental Disabilities would like input from the public on how they can best meet the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. ADD is planning future Projects of National Significance (PNS). PNS will create opportunities for people with developmental disabilities to contribute to,…
Sensory seeking or avoidant? New study to examine characteristics
THE SENSORY EXPERIENCES PROJECT (SEP) is funded by the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development (#42168) to examine the development, functional impact, and cause of various sensory features in children with autism, developmental delay, and/or typical development, ages 2-12 years. The goals of the project are to determine the sensory changes a child…
ASA: Amazing Sessions!
Two weeks ago, the Autism Society of America held its annual conference in Dallas, TX, and I was fortunate enough to be there—my first ASA conference! What an amazing experience, with many different sessions occurring simultaneously. I have to say that it was quite a thrill to be standing in line next to Carol Gray,…