Responding to Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom

Posts Tagged ‘Autism Society of North Carolina’

Responding to Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom

  Editor’s Note – The following article was written by Amy F. Hobbs, Training Specialist for the Autism Society of North Carolina. In teaching students with autism spectrum disorders, it’s helpful to implement a variety of strategies for dealing with disruptions, distractions and inappropriate behavior. First, take the time to get to know your students…

Teaching Life Skills and Building Self-Esteem

  Editor’s Note – The following article was written by Kathleen Dolbee, mother, educator, and Autism Society of North Carolina Parent Advocate. Teaching your son or daughter to do household chores is an important part of teaching them independent living skills. Be careful not to presume that your child already knows how to do a…

Proposed Changes in DSM-5 Criteria

In recent weeks national and local media outlets have reported about proposed changes to diagnostic criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders version 5 (DSM 5). The proposed changes have not been formalized and that process is expected to be completed by December 2012. – Editor What will the…

Corporal Punishment – It’s the Law! Bill 498

Editor’s Note – The following article was written by Linda Griffin, Parent Advocate Director for the Autism Society of North Carolina. It’s the 21st Century, and we have made such incredible progress – from splitting the atom to landing on the moon. We believe that we are wise and enlightened. We have conducted research on…

State Budget and Managed Care Waiver Update

NC State Budget Last week the NC General Assembly passed a budget for the 2011-2013 budget years that was compromise bill negotiated between the NC House and NC Senate, prior to the Senate passing their own budget. In the final version, the General Assembly used the House version of the budget numbers for Health and…

A PATHway to help

Editor’s Note: The following article was written by Autism Society of North Carolina Parent Advocate Wanda Curley. Wanda works out of the Triad office in Greensboro. We appreciate her willingness to share her personal journey and insights. As a parent of a very amazing young adult with autism , I continue to be encouraged daily…

Autism Society of North Carolina Chapters – one person’s experience

Editor’s note: The following article is from Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) Parent Advocate  Amy Perry. We appreciate her contribution! The Autism Society of North Carolina was formed by a group of parents in 1970 in hopes of finding support with each other and creating better opportunities for their children. Today ASNC has 45…

It’s Time to be the Teacher

Last year I did something I had never done before.  I attended a committee meeting for the North Carolina General Assembly.  Actually, it was the Senate Health Committee and on the calendar that day was a bill that would require all state regulated health plans, including the State Employee Health Plan, to cover behavioral therapy…

Autism Society of NC Advocacy at the Whitehouse!

Editor’s note: the following article was submitted by Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) Parent Advocate Judy Smithmyer. Judy, along with ASNC Director of Government Relations Jennifer Mahan, attended last Monday’s White House Autism Summit. This is Judy’s account of that eventful day. On April 25th 2011 I had the opportunity to participate in a…