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Corporal Punishment in NC Schools – Progress Report

Posts Tagged ‘Autism Society of North Carolina’

Corporal Punishment in NC Schools – Progress Report

The following article was written by Linda Griffin, Parent Advocate Director for the Autism Society of North Carolina. In July 2011 we posted a blog article about the shocking use of corporal punishment in NC public schools. At that time we reported that 38 NC school districts allowed corporal punishment and 16 of those schools…

Why I Run and Walk for Autism

Beverly Moore is Chair of the Board of Directors for the Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC). This guest Blog includes her comments to the participants at the recent WNC Run/Walk for Autism where she shares why it is important for parents, family members, friends, and the community to support the annual ASNC Run/Walk for…

Staying Two Steps Ahead: Safety in the Community and at Home

Parents worry about their childrenā€™s health, happiness, and well-being, but parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) must look at their environment closely and take great care to ensure that their kids are safe both inside and outside the home. Why is safety for the person with ASD different from any other safety measures…

Medicaid Waiver (CAP IDD) Changes Take Effect Soon – What you need to know

Editor’s Note – The following update was compiled and vetted by Autism Society of North Carolina Senior Director of Quality and Programs Kerri Erb and Director of Governmental Relations Jennifer Mahan. Both these ASNC staff have been following changes to Medicaid Waiver services for quite some time. Last year, the State of North Carolina submitted…

Structure – an Important Teaching Tool

Editor’s Note – This article was written by Amy Hobbs, Training Coordinator for the Autism Society of North Carolina. To read Amy’s bio click here. It was Sunday and a new group of campers had arrived in the afternoon. I was called to the old dining hall to assist a counselor who was having trouble…

Honoring Direct Support Professionals

Editor’s Note – Last week was Direct Support Professional Recognition Week in North Carolina. The Autism Society of North Carolina employs hundreds of Direct Support personnel and without their dedication and continued efforts many individuals on the autism spectrum and their families would not have needed support services. The following article was provided by Kerri…

Communication is Key!

Editor’s Note – The following post was written by Autism Society of North Carolina Parent Advocate/Trainer Juliette Heim. For some of our children, the beginning of the school year has already begun, and for others, school is just around the corner. There is often uncertainty, anxiety, and the fear of the unknown that accompanies this…

A Parentā€™s Perspective ā€“ By Kathleen Dolbee

Editor’s Note – This article is from Kathleen Dolbee, a parent, educator, and ASNC Parent Advocate/Trainer. Kathleen can be reached by email at kdolbee@autismsociety-nc.org. Last year I attended a conference at Western Carolina University, a small conference, more like a class. At the request of the professors presenting, before beginning we took turns introducing ourselves…

What happened at the Legislature this session? ASNC Budget Wrap Up Report

Editor’s Note – The following article was written by Jennifer Mahan, the Autism Society of North Carolina’s Director of Government Relations. During the General Assembly ā€œshortā€ legislative session that lasted from May 16 to July 3rd, state legislators made small changes to the second year of the two-year state budget they put into place last…