Supporting Students with ASD in Inclusive Settings

Posts Tagged ‘Autism Society of North Carolina’

Supporting Students with ASD in Inclusive Settings

This article was contributed by Louise Southern, Training Specialist with the Autism Society of North Carolina. As a consultant and former special education teacher, I have worked in a number of primary and secondary school settings to support students with autism who spend the majority of their day in inclusive settings. Often, these students are…

Spotlight on the Crystal Coast Chapter

Editor’s note: For those who have a loved one with Autism Spectrum Disorder, a community of support can be a lifeline. For more than 40 years, ASNC Chapters and Support Groups have provided families who face similar challenges an opportunity to encourage one another, share experiences, find information and resources, and have a place where…

The iPad for Communication: Where to Begin?

  This article was contributed by Amy Perry, an Autism Resource Specialist for the Autism Society of North Carolina. The iPad can be used as a powerful tool for communication, but many families are stumped about where to begin. Apps for communication range from simple text-to-speech to full-fledged Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems with…

A look back at a remarkable year

A few highlights from 2013 2013 was a busy year in the autism community. We witnessed the changeover in statewide service delivery from Local Management Entities (LMEs) to Managed Care Organizations (MCOs). Issues that had stalled for years with the legislature moved forward, but not all the way into law. And more families learned that…

11 Things to Know About the Autism Insurance Bill and the NC Legislature

The Autism Society of North Carolina has been working for the past 5 years with other groups in NC to pass a law that would require private insurance and the state health plan to cover diagnosis and treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder. We’ve written about the struggle to get a law passed in many blogs…

Driving and Autism

Editor’s Note – The following article was written by Linda Griffin, Parent Advocate Director for the Autism Society of North Carolina. I had hoped that my son would learn to drive. And then I hoped that he wouldn’t. Either way, there were going to be consequences. Not driving meant learning to use public transportation and…

Autism Health Insurance Reform

The following column was written by Autism Society of North Carolina CEO Tracey Sheriff. State lawmakers have an opportunity to right an unfortunate injustice this legislative session. Currently in North Carolina, the nearly 60,000 individuals with autism and their families face unfair financial hardship because of an inequality in their health insurance coverage. To correct…

College Admissions Testing and Autism

This contribution is from Parent Advocate/Trainer Nancy Popkin. Back when my son was diagnosed with autism, I couldn’t imagine him going to college, let alone surviving his school years. But here we are, sixteen years post diagnosis, with a high school graduate who is now a college freshman. If college is in your child’s future,…

Seeing is Believing

Editor’s Note – The following article was written by Amy F. Hobbs, Training Coordinator with the Autism Society of North Carolina. Research shows that video modeling is an effective strategy to use with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder to improve social and communication skills. As a trainer, I frequently emphasize the importance of showing children…