Tips for a joyful, peaceful holiday season

Posts Tagged ‘Autism Society of North Carolina’

Tips for a joyful, peaceful holiday season

In the movies, this time of year is full of joy. Smiling families gather around tables filled with delicious dishes that everyone loves, merry music is always playing, and gifts are met with exclamations of ā€œjust what I wanted!ā€ In real life, the holiday season can be challenging and stressful for any of us, but…

A Challenge for Change That Begins With YOU!

This article was contributed by Kim Tizzard, Associate Resource Specialist Director/Education Coordinator and mom to a son with autism. When my son was very young, his challenges, in all settings, seemed insurmountable. In particular, the thought of taking him out to church, school, a grocery store, or really anywhere that involved the public sector made…

Clary Lamberton Named 2015 Winner of Roman Direct Service Award

The Autism Society of North Carolina has named Clary Lamberton of Asheville as the 2015 winner of the John and Claudia Roman Direct Service Award. The annual award honors a direct service employee of the Autism Society of North Carolina who has demonstrated outstanding dedication to individuals with autism and their families. Lamberton is a…

Magic of Sesame Street Lets Us #SeeAmazing

This article was contributed by Amy Perry, an ASNC Autism Resource Specialist and mom to a daughter with autism. Iā€™m going to get personal. When I heard Sesame Street was launching an autism initiative, I was very happy, and in some ways, I felt it was long overdue. I grew up watching Sesame Street and…

A Closer Look at North Carolinaā€™s 2015-17 Budget

This article was contributed by Jennifer Mahan, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy at ASNC. The new state budget for budget years 2015-17, which began on July 1, 2015, sits at $21.7 billion. It includes several important policy initiatives for people with disabilities, but it also makes changes that could keep people with autism, intellectual…

Be Prepared: Carry an Autism Survival Kit

This article was contributed by Wanda Curley, an Autism Resource Specialist in the Triad and mom to a son with autism. We live in a busy, fast-paced world that can be full of change and surprises. For most of us, planning ahead and being prepared for those last-minute changes is helpful. For individuals with Autism…

NC Passes Autism Insurance: What It Means for Families

This article was contributed by Jennifer Mahan, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy at ASNC. On Tuesday, the North Carolina General Assembly passed SB676, ā€œAutism Health Insurance Coverage.ā€ The bill now goes to the governorā€™s desk for his signature, which would make North Carolina the 43rd state to enact autism insurance legislation.ā€ÆThis is a historic…

Nominate Your Direct Support Professional for Roman Award

This article was contributed by Kerri Erb, Chief Program Officer. This week, Direct Support Professional Recognition Week, we are taking time to honor our staff members who provide critical support for individuals with autism. Every day, they work one-to-one with individuals with autism, teaching skill acquisition and supporting them in reaching their life goals. In…

Documenting Your Concerns in Your Childā€™s IEP

This article was contributed by Teresa Mebane, an Autism Resource Specialist in the Wilmington region and an autism mom. Now that school is back in session, itā€™s time to think about your childā€™s IEP. Do you ever feel your concerns are not being heard? Have you left an IEP meeting with unanswered questions? Here are…