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Making a Difference ā€“ McDonaldā€™s supports Camp Royall

Posts Tagged ‘autism society of NC’

Making a Difference ā€“ McDonaldā€™s supports Camp Royall

  The following article is by Kristy White, the Autism Society of North Carolina’s Director of Development. The 1st Annual Camp Royall Classic was sponsored by McDonald’s at The Preserve at Jordan Lake Golf Course on May 7th. Over $33,000 was raised from golf participants and sponsors to send individuals with autism to Camp Royall…

A+KIDS: Important Information for Children with ASD who Receive Behavior Medications

What is it? The A+KIDS (Anti-psychotics-Keep It Documented for Safety) program is an effort to assure that children in the NC Medicaid program who receive anti-psychotic medications are being monitored for possible side effects. These medicines are sometimes prescribed to help reduce severe agitation, self-injury, and/or physical aggression in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Examples…