ASNC Day on the Hill

Posts Tagged ‘Autism Society of America’

ASNC Day on the Hill

  This article was contributed by Jennifer Mahan, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy. The Autism Society of North Carolina traveled to Washington, D.C., to participate in the Autism Society of Americaā€™s annual Day on the Hill for Autism Society advocates. Our goal in participating this year was to make sure that we voiced to…

Finding Children Who Wander

A new coalition of six national autism nonprofit organizations has been created to prevent wandering incidents and deaths within the autism community.Ā  The collaboration, Autism Wandering Awareness Alerts Response Education (AWAARE), has launched in a joint effort to raise awareness and provide information to caregivers, law enforcement, school officials and the medical community. Coalition…

ASA: Amazing Sessions!

Two weeks ago, the Autism Society of America held its annual conference in Dallas, TX, and I was fortunate enough to be thereā€”my first ASA conference!Ā  What an amazing experience, with many different sessions occurring simultaneously.Ā  I have to say that it was quite a thrill to be standing in line next to Carol Gray,…

Autism, Medicine, and Media

Now that 2010 has rolled in, there seems to be more autism-related research published that’s getting some attention in the news. Ā When the previously embargoed autism rates were announced on the Friday afternoon before Christmas, it didn’t receive much notice in the media, aside from catching the statement that officials were still puzzled about whether…


Article on multiplex autism in families and how no one is tracking the numbers.