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Have Your Say on Innovations Waiver

Posts Tagged ‘autism society north carolina’

Have Your Say on Innovations Waiver

This article was contributed by Kerri Erb, ASNC’s Chief Program Officer. UPDATE: The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has notified us that the changes to the Innovations waiver are now proposed to go into effect November 1 to allow for additional training and preparation, and to provide additional time for approval of the…

Interview with an Artist: Kaitlin Moncol

Kaitlin Moncol is a 22-year-old artist from Raleigh who was diagnosed with autism when she turned 2. As Kaitlin prepares for her first independent art show, we asked her and her mom to share some thoughts about her life, her art, and autism. Below we share their responses, edited for brevity. Kaitlin’s art is hanging…

13 Tough Truths Only Parents of Kids With Autism Will Understand

Editor’s Note – The following article is re-posted with permission by Eric Williams, a Fayetteville dad, counselor,and therapist.  For more information about Mr. Williams click here.  This is what it’s like (and what it takes) to be the father of a child with autism. Buckle up! Autism is not a childhood diagnosis; it is a…

Legislation to Authorize ABLE Act Introduced in NC

This article was contributed by Jennifer Mahan, ASNC Director of Advocacy and Public Policy. The North Carolina General Assembly has introduced legislation to authorize 529 savings plans for individuals with disabilities, as allowed under the congressional ABLE Act of 2014. Advocacy groups, including the Autism Society of North Carolina, are supporting the passage of legislation,…

Household Chores Teach Independent-Living Skills

  This article was contributed by Kathy Dolbee, Autism Resource Specialist for the Autism Society of North Carolina and autism mom. “Can my child do household chores?” The simple answer is, “Yes.” Teaching your child to do household chores is an important part of teaching him independent living skills. However, there are a few important…

Our Future, Together

  This article was contributed by Kristy White, the Chief Development Officer for the Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC). Kristy has been a leader in the field of inclusion, launching cutting-edge inclusion models and raising millions for inclusive programming across the country. She joined ASNC in March 2012 because of her passion for improving…

Dealing with Frigid Weather, Interrupted Routines

This article was contributed by Leica Anzaldo, Training Manager for the Autism Society of North Carolina. We have certainly felt the arctic blast this past week, and while it created inconveniences for many of us, for some individuals on the autism spectrum, it wreaked havoc on their lives and those routines on which they are so…

NC General Assembly Begins Long Session

This article was contributed by Jennifer Mahan, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy. The North Carolina General Assembly began its long legislative session on January 28, spending the two weeks prior to that organizing committee membership and shifting offices for new members and leaders. This year’s legislative session is off to a slow start. The…

Learning Through Seeing

This article was contributed by Kathleen Dolbee, a parent and ASNC Autism Resource Specialist for Western North Carolina. No two minds are exactly alike; each has its own way of learning. What works well for one person may not work as well for another. For example, some people grasp and remember ideas better when they…