Autism Healthy Habits

Posts Tagged ‘autism society north carolina’

Revisiting a Focus on Autism Healthy Habits

At the Autism Society of North Carolina’s 2018 annual conference, Mindy Govan and Alicia Lenhart, then Director and Assistant Director of ASNC’s IGNITE program for young adults on the spectrum, provided conference attendees with many tips they could use to build autism healthy habits for their loved ones or themselves. Those tips continue to be…

Social Stories for the 2024 Solar Eclipse

The Autism Society of North Carolina would like to partner with you during the upcoming solar eclipse to keep your loved ones with autism safe at all times. To help you prepare for the solar eclipse on Monday, April 8, we have created two social stories; click on the one that you think is most…

The Samantha R vs. the State of North Carolina Court Decision

In February of 2020 the State was found to be in violation of the Persons with Disabilities Protection Act and that people with disabilities in North Carolina were being unnecessarily institutionalized, or were at risk for being institutionalized, due to a lack of community-based options. The decision reinforced what people with disabilities, their families and…

Public Policy Updates – May 2022

Services in NC Medicaid Plan NC plans to offer additional services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as others, under (i) services plan through the Medicaid program. When Tailored Plans begin operation December 1, 2022 as part of the state’s Medicaid Transformation some of the services that LME-MCOs offered under b(3) such…

Policy Pulse Update

Federal Actions   HR 2373 Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act  Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act  (H.R. 2373), a bipartisan bill introduced in Congress on April 6th , phases out the use of subminimum wage certificates for people with disabilities, which many people view as outdated and unfair. The bill authorizes funds to help states transform their employment systems to…

Public Policy Update – State and Federal News

Below is the Autism Society of North Carolina’s weekly update on policy changes and legislation related to local, state, and federal COVID-19 emergency orders. This post covers July 31 – August 20. Congressional Update Since our last update, Congress has not passed any new legislation regarding COVID-19 and/or economic relief. A compromise is needed between…