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A little girl receiving quality applied behavior analysis.

Posts Tagged ‘autism resources’

Applied Behavior Analysis: Misconceptions and Quality Indicators

At the Autism Society of North Carolina, we believe that every autistic individual and their family has the right to high quality, person-centered, autism-informed services that recognize and value the individual’s neurodiversity. For individuals and families who pursue applied behavior analysis (ABA), we encourage you to advocate for a provider offering modern ABA. ABA represents…

Eye Exams and Autism

My youngest son, Daniel, was diagnosed with autism at the age of 3 1/2 years old. Our family was thrown into our own ā€œhow to navigate our autismā€ journey. Although my son has limited language now, he was essentially non-verbal in those early years. Communication was difficult. Thankfully, here and there, we met wonderful providers,…

Sensory Worlds: The Senses and Sensory Differences

If youā€™re connected to the autism community, you are likely aware of sensory differences, which are so common in the autistic population that they were added to the most recent diagnostic criteria for autism. Sensory differences are common in people with other diagnoses as well, such as people with developmental disabilities, ADHD, sensory processing disorders,…

Support Groups: Finding Common Ground One Front Porch at a Time

We find common ground through our Support Groups, which continue to meet needs through all seasons of life, mine included, throughout our state. I am from the big city of Greensboro; still, seasons of isolation were pervasive in our family for many years. Having fulfilling relationships and experiences seemed frustratingly close and far all at…

The Tools that Help Me Organize a Neurodivergent Life

I live at the intersection between ADHD and Autism. While I love my neurodivergent brain (most of the time), there is absolutely no doubt that I have to organize my life strategically to stay on top of #adulting. Not going to lie, even though I have extensive coping systems in place, some stuff falls through…

Parenting the Young Adult with Low Support Needs

Iā€™ve entered that phase of motherhood that most of us donā€™t prepare for ā€“ the parent of a young adult on the spectrum with low support needs. It is a tricky time when we see our young adults have the capacity to become independent, but they need some help, and we may not know as…

He Needed Something More, and We Found It at Camp Royall

As the mom of four Au-Somely unique children, Iā€™m always trying to find the right path, the right therapies, and the right connections for them. Sometimes those connections are obvious and easy to come across, but others arenā€™t as clear. My 18-year-old son graduated from our homeschool in May 2022, and we began this journey…

New Space and New Energy for ACLE in Greensboro

In 2022, the Autism Society of North Carolinaā€™s Greensboro services moved into a new building. As a result, the Autism Center for Life Enrichment (ACLE), our day program in Greensboro, received a makeover. ACLEā€™s new space includes so many opportunities for participants. There are rooms to practice a variety of skills ā€“ from a model…