young boy holding his ears and screaming

Posts Tagged ‘autism meltdown’

Toddler Tantrum or Meltdown?

If you spend any time scrolling parent blogs or social media, you’ll inevitably come across anecdotes of toddlers having tantrums over their toast being cut the wrong way or leaving a favorite park. Tantrums are a big burst in anger or frustration in young children. They are typical and expected part of toddler development, and…

A Parent’s Perspective on Handling Meltdowns

Meltdowns happen. Meltdowns happen first thing in the morning, right before bed, and all the times in between. They happen at your in-law’s house, at the grocery store, and during religious services. Meltdowns seem to be the number one reason that parents seek a diagnosis of autism for their child. That was true for me…

Why Do I Get Overwhelmed in New Places?

When I go somewhere new, I am not comfortable. I am very guarded. There are a lot of things that could threaten me. I am not aware of this fear. I am not able to respond to you as I can at home. I am not the person you know when I walk into the…

What It’s Like to Have a Severe Autism Meltdown

One of the biggest fears a person can have is loss of control of self. The other is fear of the unknown. For many with autism, the unknown can trigger a loss of control. One great fear leads to another. There are many sources out there that will tell you why we do what we…