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eye exams and autism

Posts Tagged ‘autism medicaid’

Eye Exams and Autism

My youngest son, Daniel, was diagnosed with autism at the age of 3 1/2 years old. Our family was thrown into our own “how to navigate our autism” journey. Although my son has limited language now, he was essentially non-verbal in those early years. Communication was difficult. Thankfully, here and there, we met wonderful providers,…

Policy Update: NC Senate Passes Budget; Conference Committee Begins Work

On May 18, the NC Senate passed their version of H259, the Appropriations Act for 2023-2025.  The Senate version of the budget spends a little more, primarily on a new economic incentive fund designed to turn NC-based research into marketable products. The differences between the NC House version and the NC Senate version will be…

Public Policy Update: Medicaid Expansion Bill Signed, House Budget Released, Make Your Voice Heard to Senate

Expansion Bill Passes, Signed by Governor: House Bill 76 Access to Healthcare Options was passed by the NC General Assembly March 23 and signed into law March 27. The bill would extend Medicaid benefits to people in the health care coverage gap, whose income is under 133% of the federal poverty levels and do not…

Public Policy Update: Tailored Plans, NC Budget, and Medicaid Expansion

Tailored Plans Delayed until October 1, 2023  NC Department of Health and Human Services (NC DHHS) announced that the new Tailored Plans under Medicaid will be delayed again, this time until October 1, 2023. Citing concerns that people would have difficulties using primary care physicians and specialty health care services (“network adequacy”) and that other…

Policy: Celebrating Progress and Looking Ahead

This article also appears in the Winter 2023 issue of Spectrum.    When you have been advocating for a long time, it can feel like no progress is being made. When we see growing waiting lists and know that services for people with disabilities remain unstaffed, it is easy to lose hope. There is good…

Medicaid Transformation and Tailored Plan Updates

For additional information about the Medicaid Transformation process in North Carolina, please visit our page of information and resources.  New timeline released for Tailored Plan rollout The start of the new Tailored Plans, integrated health Medicaid Benefit Plans for people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD), as well as those with significant mental health and…

The Samantha R vs. the State of North Carolina Court Decision

In February of 2020 the State was found to be in violation of the Persons with Disabilities Protection Act and that people with disabilities in North Carolina were being unnecessarily institutionalized, or were at risk for being institutionalized, due to a lack of community-based options. The decision reinforced what people with disabilities, their families and…

1915(i) Services Update: State Plan Amendment Released

Medicaid will be offering new services called 1915(i) services to people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD), including autism, as well as those with mental health issues and substance use disorders. 1915(i) services will eventually replace B3 services when Tailored Plans launch in April, 2023. Unlike B3, 1915(i) services are an entitlement. This means that…

Public Policy Updates – May 2022

Services in NC Medicaid Plan NC plans to offer additional services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as others, under (i) services plan through the Medicaid program. When Tailored Plans begin operation December 1, 2022 as part of the state’s Medicaid Transformation some of the services that LME-MCOs offered under b(3) such…