Public Policy Update: Governor’s Budget, Education Scholarships, and Group Home Fix

Posts Tagged ‘autism legislation’

Public Policy Update: Governor’s Budget, Education Scholarships, and Group Home Fix

The Autism Society of North Carolina advocates on public policy issues, monitors activities of the General Assembly and works to inform you about how these issue might affect people on the autism spectrum. If you have questions about these or other policy issues, please post your questions below or contact Jennifer Mahan, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy…

Public Policy News and Action: Group Home Bill Moves, No Medicaid Expansion, Federal ABLE Act Reintroduced, Federal Regs Leave Out ABA

This policy update contains both an update on the North Carolina General Assembly (state laws) as well as actions by the US Congress and federal regulators (federal laws). North Carolina General Assembly Update Group Home Bill Moves House Bill 5, which would extend temporary funding to residents of group homes who no longer qualify for personal care services,…

Legislative Long Session Kicks Off! What Might the Session Hold For People on the Spectrum?

This week marks the beginning of the North Carolina General Assembly long session, which typically lasts from the end of January to sometime in June/July.  Lawmakers arrived for work in Raleigh over the last two weeks and began organizing for the session, with new legislators receiving training.  There are a LOT of new folks – of…

Action Needed: Personal Care Medicaid Changes Threaten Group Home Residents

Recent news reports have shed light on changes that will have a negative effect on individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other disabilities who receive assistance through Medicaid’s Personal Care Services (PCS). Please note that the Personal Care Services described in this blog are not the same personal care services delivered to individuals who are…

What happened at the Legislature this session? ASNC Budget Wrap Up Report

Editor’s Note – The following article was written by Jennifer Mahan, the Autism Society of North Carolina’s Director of Government Relations. During the General Assembly “short” legislative session that lasted from May 16 to July 3rd, state legislators made small changes to the second year of the two-year state budget they put into place last…

What’s in health reform (Affordable Care Act) for people on the autism spectrum?

Editor’s Note – Thanks to Jennifer Mahan, Autism Society of North Carolina Director of Government Relations for the following analysis of last week’s Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act. The Supreme Court of the United States recently upheld the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which would expand health care coverage for many people in…

What is the NC General Assembly Up to This Session?

Editor’s Note: The following entry was written by Jennifer Mahan, Autism Society of North Carolina Director of Government Relations. Jennifer will be providing a monthly summary of legislative activities while during this year’s short session as well as other updates about autism-related legislative efforts. May 14th was the start of the” short” legislative session this…

Coalition Rally 2012

Mark your calendars now and join The Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) at the for the 2011 Coalition Popcorn Rally and Advocacy Day at the NC General Assembly on May 22nd from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm.  The Autism Society of North Carolina is a long time member of The Coalition, a group of…

Federal Policy News and Action Alert

Urge your Congressperson to support the reauthorization of the Combating Autism Act Committee scheduled for a markup meeting on Wednesday, September 7th Congress is back from their summer recess this week and its time to get back to work! There are less than 30 days left to secure the passage of the Combating Autism Reauthorization…