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NC Passes Autism Insurance: What It Means for Families

Posts Tagged ‘Autism Insurance Advocacy’

NC Passes Autism Insurance: What It Means for Families

This article was contributed by Jennifer Mahan, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy at ASNC. On Tuesday, the North Carolina General Assembly passed SB676, ā€œAutism Health Insurance Coverage.ā€ The bill now goes to the governorā€™s desk for his signature, which would make North Carolina the 43rd state to enact autism insurance legislation.ā€ÆThis is a historic…

FAQs related to SB 676: Autism Health Insurance Coverage

Background: After six years of working to pass coverage of autism treatments under health insurance through both chambers of the North Carolina General Assembly, the Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) decided to take a new approach to the problem: ASNC came together with other North Carolina advocacy groups, professionals, clinicians, and insurers to work…

Legislative Update for May 20 – NC House Passes Autism Insurance Bill!

The following post was filed by Jennifer Mahan, Autism Society of North Carolina Director of Advocacy and Public Policy. Crossover Week Last week, the legislature finished a very busy week known as ā€œcrossover.ā€ During each long session the NC General Assembly sets a deadline for policy bills to be approved by one chamber or the…

Autism Health Insurance Reform

The following column was written by Autism Society of North Carolina CEO Tracey Sheriff. State lawmakers have an opportunity to right an unfortunate injustice this legislative session. Currently in North Carolina, the nearly 60,000 individuals with autism and their families face unfair financial hardship because of an inequality in their health insurance coverage. To correct…

One Small Step For Awareness, One Giant Leap for Coverage

When a community comes together…