ASNC Day on the Hill

Posts Tagged ‘autism health care’

ASNC Day on the Hill

  This article was contributed by Jennifer Mahan, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy. The Autism Society of North Carolina traveled to Washington, D.C., to participate in the Autism Society of America’s annual Day on the Hill for Autism Society advocates. Our goal in participating this year was to make sure that we voiced to…

2016 Legislative Wrap-Up: The Budget

This article was contributed by Jennifer Mahan, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy at ASNC. It is the first of three parts wrapping up the NC General Assembly’s 2016 short session. The NC House and Senate agreed on a budget adjustments bill for the second year of the state’s two-year budget, which allocates a total of…

Speak Out on NC Budget Proposals

This article was contributed by Jennifer Mahan, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy at ASNC. On June 1, the NC Senate released its version of the budget adjustments bill for this year. Despite advocacy directed at the Senate to improve on what the NC House budget offered, the Senate includes no funding for federally required…

Learn About Innovations Waiver Changes, Share Opinions on IDD Issues

UPDATE: The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has notified us that the changes to the Innovations waiver are now proposed to go into effect November 1 to allow for additional training and preparation, and to provide additional time for approval of the changes by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The…

Autism Insurance and Annual Enrollment: Proactive Planning Pays

Editor’s note: This article is informational in nature and should not replace a thorough reading of your employer’s benefits literature. Each insurance plan is different, and often employers offer multiple plans. When enrolling in health care insurance, one must consider many factors: Amount of coverage Out-of-pocket cost Availability of providers (in-network) If you have a…

A Closer Look at North Carolina’s 2015-17 Budget

This article was contributed by Jennifer Mahan, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy at ASNC. The new state budget for budget years 2015-17, which began on July 1, 2015, sits at $21.7 billion. It includes several important policy initiatives for people with disabilities, but it also makes changes that could keep people with autism, intellectual…

Learn More about ASNC with New Podcasts

Online interviews explore issues faced by the autism community in North Carolina, provide information about the Autism Society of North Carolina’s services and supports, and share personal stories. If you have a smartphone, you probably use it for more than phone calls. Today’s technology enables us to use our phones to listen to music, watch…

Have Your Say on Innovations Waiver

This article was contributed by Kerri Erb, ASNC’s Chief Program Officer. UPDATE: The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has notified us that the changes to the Innovations waiver are now proposed to go into effect November 1 to allow for additional training and preparation, and to provide additional time for approval of the…

FAQs related to SB 676: Autism Health Insurance Coverage

Background: After six years of working to pass coverage of autism treatments under health insurance through both chambers of the North Carolina General Assembly, the Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) decided to take a new approach to the problem: ASNC came together with other North Carolina advocacy groups, professionals, clinicians, and insurers to work…