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Expanding Your Child’s School Comfort Zone, By Dan Coulter

Posts Tagged ‘autism education’

Expanding Your Child’s School Comfort Zone, By Dan Coulter

Here’s an article about the value of taking your child who has Asperger Syndrome to visit his teacher and classroom before school starts. While this article focuses on younger children, it can also be helpful to schedule a school visit with middle school and high school students who have Asperger Syndrome. Hope this is helpful….

Federal Policy News and Action Alert

Urge your Congressperson to support the reauthorization of the Combating Autism Act Committee scheduled for a markup meeting on Wednesday, September 7th Congress is back from their summer recess this week and its time to get back to work! There are less than 30 days left to secure the passage of the Combating Autism Reauthorization…

NC General Assembly Legislative Session Wrap-up

This article was published in The Autism Society of North Carolina’s summer 2011 issue of The Spectrum. Current and past issues of The Spectrum can be found under Publications on our website. Families, self-advocates and ASNC faced difficult challenges in advocating for better services and supports for people on the autism spectrum as we headed into the long…

Corporal Punishment – It’s the Law! Bill 498

Editor’s Note – The following article was written by Linda Griffin, Parent Advocate Director for the Autism Society of North Carolina. It’s the 21st Century, and we have made such incredible progress – from splitting the atom to landing on the moon. We believe that we are wise and enlightened. We have conducted research on…

This Week at the NC General Assembly

Governor’s Budget Veto On Sunday The Governor vetoed the state budget passed by the NC General Assembly. At this point, the NC Senate has enough majority votes to override a veto, and the NC House believes they also can override a veto if at least 4 of the 5 Democrats who voted for the budget…

Autism Society of North Carolina Chapters – one person’s experience

Editor’s note: The following article is from Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) Parent Advocate  Amy Perry. We appreciate her contribution! The Autism Society of North Carolina was formed by a group of parents in 1970 in hopes of finding support with each other and creating better opportunities for their children. Today ASNC has 45…

It’s Time to be the Teacher

Last year I did something I had never done before.  I attended a committee meeting for the North Carolina General Assembly.  Actually, it was the Senate Health Committee and on the calendar that day was a bill that would require all state regulated health plans, including the State Employee Health Plan, to cover behavioral therapy…

Discontinuing microwaves in classrooms

Did you know that some schools are prohibiting the use of microwaves by students?  According to the Dept. of Agriculture, which governs the Child Nutrition Programs (providers of school meals), food preparation and reheating should ONLY occur in inspected food prep areas.  That means no microwaves in classrooms, cafeterias, or anywhere that students can use…