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ā€œAre Chicken Nuggets a Vegetable?ā€ and Other Mealtime Musings: Selective Eating in Autism

Posts Tagged ‘autism eating’

ā€œAre Chicken Nuggets a Vegetable?ā€ and Other Mealtime Musings: Selective Eating in Autism

One of the first jobs of parenting is to keep your child healthy and nourished by ensuring they eat a variety of nutritious foods, alongside the extra treats and occasional Happy Meal that accompanies childhood. Before having children, many of us felt like this would be the easy part. Three meals a day, snacks sprinkled…

Promoting Healthy Eating

ā€œWhen heā€™s hungry enough, heā€™ll eat.ā€ How often have we heard this from well-meaning family, friends, and medical providers? While most young children exhibit food preferences and some food selectivity, other children display persistent and highly restrictive eating patterns. Almost 70% of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder exhibit selective and restrictive eating patterns. Some childrenā€™s…