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Pairing: Building Relationships Before Placing Demand

Posts Tagged ‘autism communication’

Simple Ways to Keep It “Cool” this Summer

  Summer is finally here, and the temperatures are rising! Thankfully, we don’t have to see a rise in tantrum behavior with those temperatures. Here are five simple ways to help prevent the heat from rising inside your home: Grandma’s Law There is no way to avoid asking your child to do tasks that they…

LifeLong Interventions Expanding to New Areas

ASNC’s Clinical Department is excited to continue expanding service areas for the LifeLong Interventions (LLI) program! LLI has recently made its way to the Asheville and Wilmington areas. In light of our ever-growing program, we wanted to share the answers to some frequently asked questions to help the community better understand what the program is,…

Early Intervention Strategies to Promote Communication Behaviors

In early intervention, key areas of focus should include communication and social engagement. How do we begin to build these behaviors in young children with autism? It is important to use a systematic approach. In addition, it’s ok to start simple, and recognize that baby steps (e.g., a few more seconds of engagement with the…

The iPad for Communication: Where to Begin?

  This article was contributed by Amy Perry, an Autism Resource Specialist for the Autism Society of North Carolina. The iPad can be used as a powerful tool for communication, but many families are stumped about where to begin. Apps for communication range from simple text-to-speech to full-fledged Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems with…