Simple Ways to Keep It ā€œCoolā€ this Summer

Posts Tagged ‘autism behavior’

Simple Ways to Keep It ā€œCoolā€ this Summer

  Summer is finally here, and the temperatures are rising! Thankfully, we donā€™t have to see a rise in tantrum behavior with those temperatures. Here are five simple ways to help prevent the heat from rising inside your home: Grandmaā€™s Law There is no way to avoid asking your child to do tasks that they…

The Opinions of Others: Iā€™m No Longer Concerned

When my son was first diagnosed with autism at the age of four and a half, I was truly concerned about what others thought about his different and strange behaviors. My son looks very much like his typical peers, as many children with autism do. People stared and gave me disapproving looks when he would…

Jewels for the Journey

This article was contributed by Gwen Capers-Singleton, an ASNC Autism Resource Specialist in Charlotte and mom to a son with autism. Now that school is almost out and the weather ideal, I have started training for another marathon. As a mother of three, including an adult son with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), running is…

The Invisible Disability: Another Facet of Autism

This article was contributed by Bobbi Wells, Autism Resource Specialist in the Eastern region and mom to a son with autism.   Havenā€™t you heard the old saying, ā€œNever judge a book by its cover?ā€ Well, I am here to add to its meaning from an autism perspective. As a parent with a son who…

Tips for a joyful, peaceful holiday season

In the movies, this time of year is full of joy. Smiling families gather around tables filled with delicious dishes that everyone loves, merry music is always playing, and gifts are met with exclamations of ā€œjust what I wanted!ā€ In real life, the holiday season can be challenging and stressful for any of us, but…

A Challenge for Change That Begins With YOU!

This article was contributed by Kim Tizzard, Associate Resource Specialist Director/Education Coordinator and mom to a son with autism. When my son was very young, his challenges, in all settings, seemed insurmountable. In particular, the thought of taking him out to church, school, a grocery store, or really anywhere that involved the public sector made…

Be Prepared: Carry an Autism Survival Kit

This article was contributed by Wanda Curley, an Autism Resource Specialist in the Triad and mom to a son with autism. We live in a busy, fast-paced world that can be full of change and surprises. For most of us, planning ahead and being prepared for those last-minute changes is helpful. For individuals with Autism…

Preparing for a New School Year: Calm Parent = Calm Child

This article was contributed by Nancy Nestor, an Autism Resource Specialist in the Charlotte region, an autism mom, and a former teacher. With all the hot weather we have had this summer, it is hard to believe, but summer is fading. Before you know it, yellow school buses will fill the streets, packed with students…

The Power of Reinforcement

This article was contributed by Leica Anzaldo, Training Manager for the Autism Society of North Carolina. As I was sitting in the classroom today watching a child I work with tear up his fifth math worksheet, my brain immediately went into functional assessment mode. This was an obvious one: escape. But why was he trying…