A Challenge for Change That Begins With YOU!

Posts Tagged ‘autism asperger parenting tips’

A Challenge for Change That Begins With YOU!

This article was contributed by Kim Tizzard, Associate Resource Specialist Director/Education Coordinator and mom to a son with autism. When my son was very young, his challenges, in all settings, seemed insurmountable. In particular, the thought of taking him out to church, school, a grocery store, or really anywhere that involved the public sector made…

Be Prepared: Carry an Autism Survival Kit

This article was contributed by Wanda Curley, an Autism Resource Specialist in the Triad and mom to a son with autism. We live in a busy, fast-paced world that can be full of change and surprises. For most of us, planning ahead and being prepared for those last-minute changes is helpful. For individuals with Autism…

Make This Your Childā€™s Best School Year Yet

Are you ready for back-to-school time? Or does the mere thought of a new school year make you anxious? The Autism Society of North Carolina is ready to partner with you and your child for a successful school year. Please take advantage of the resources we offer. Toolkits: In the past year and a half,…

Preparing for a New School Year: Calm Parent = Calm Child

This article was contributed by Nancy Nestor, an Autism Resource Specialist in the Charlotte region, an autism mom, and a former teacher. With all the hot weather we have had this summer, it is hard to believe, but summer is fading. Before you know it, yellow school buses will fill the streets, packed with students…

The Power of Reinforcement

This article was contributed by Leica Anzaldo, Training Manager for the Autism Society of North Carolina. As I was sitting in the classroom today watching a child I work with tear up his fifth math worksheet, my brain immediately went into functional assessment mode. This was an obvious one: escape. But why was he trying…

Tips and Strategies to Address Challenging Behaviors

This article was contributed by Nancy LaCross, ASNC Autism Resource Specialist in the Raleigh area. As a parent of an adult child with autism, I understand firsthand how difficult it can be to support a loved one with significant behavioral challenges. I can remember reaching out to one professional after another looking for the magical…

Letā€™s Talk About Abilities

This article was contributed byĀ Juliette Heim, an ASNC Autism Resource Specialist in Asheville and mom to a son with autism. Autism comes with many challenges that we face every single day. We have to address these challenges and learn how to manage them, and we often have to ā€œthink outside the boxā€ in our approaches….

Seeing the World from a Different Angle: A Travel Resource Guide for Parents

This article was contributed by Danielle Wright and Nicole Johnson, who both recently graduated from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro with masterā€™s degrees in Speech-Language Pathology and have accepted jobs in public schools. They created a travel resource guide for families affected by autism and have generously shared it with us. To read…

Autism Moms: We Just Do It!

This article was contributed by Katie Holler, an ASNC Autism Resource Specialist in the Eastern Region. I am the mother of five daughters ages 7 to 13. Four of them have Autism Spectrum Disorder. When people ask me ā€œHow do you do it?,ā€ I usually respond: ā€œI just do it!ā€ You might recognize my slogan,…