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Children with autism in foster care

Posts Tagged ‘autism asperger parenting tips’

Supporting Children With Autism in Foster Care and Post-adoption

May is National Foster Care Awareness Month. On a personal note, I don’t have a child with autism, but this topic holds a most special place for me because two of my own children are adopted from the foster care system. Addressing this topic represents the intersection of my professional and personal heart. Here in…

Social Stories for the 2024 Solar Eclipse

The Autism Society of North Carolina would like to partner with you during the upcoming solar eclipse to keep your loved ones with autism safe at all times. To help you prepare for the solar eclipse on Monday, April 8, we have created two social stories; click on the one that you think is most…

Finding Connection and Understanding in Support Groups

Being an autism parent can be a challenge when you don’t have a community of support and understanding. We are in a different phase of life than many of our friends who want to support us, but don’t truly understand the joys, tribulations, extreme victories and moments of defeat. It can be a lonely journey,…

Parenting the Young Adult with Low Support Needs

I’ve entered that phase of motherhood that most of us don’t prepare for – the parent of a young adult on the spectrum with low support needs. It is a tricky time when we see our young adults have the capacity to become independent, but they need some help, and we may not know as…

He Needed Something More, and We Found It at Camp Royall

As the mom of four Au-Somely unique children, I’m always trying to find the right path, the right therapies, and the right connections for them. Sometimes those connections are obvious and easy to come across, but others aren’t as clear. My 18-year-old son graduated from our homeschool in May 2022, and we began this journey…

Las Vacaciones en el Verano y la Computadora

La pereza del verano. Fragmentos de tiempo cuando los niños tienen la casa para ellos solos. El tiempo de inactividad se convierte en un vacío. Las horas pasarán a medida que los niños desaparezcan en la tecnología. Se fusionarán con la computadora y se eliminará toda posibilidad de hablar. ¿Se está haciendo un buen uso…