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Visual Schedules Important Even as Children Grow Up

Posts Tagged ‘autism anxiety’

Visual Schedules Important Even as Children Grow Up

My son Logan is 18 years old, soon to turn 19. I have learned over the years how important it is to Logan to have a visual schedule. The schedule must be specific as well as complete. The details of his day must be spelled out and available for him to see. Not having something…

Prepare Now for Your Best Summer

The weather might be frightful, but summer is just around the corner. And what is even more frightful for a parent is turning the calendar page to June and realizing you are not prepared. Many summer programs and camps (including ASNCā€™s own Camp Royall) are accepting registrations now, and many options for individuals with special…

Why Do I Get Overwhelmed in New Places?

When I go somewhere new, I am not comfortable. I am very guarded. There are a lot of things that could threaten me. I am not aware of this fear. I am not able to respond to you as I can at home. I am not the person you know when I walk into the…

Overcoming Sensory Challenges

I have four children with autism who have unique sensory processing challenges and needs. Over the past 11 years, my children and I have grown in our understanding of the unique way in which they process the world around them. Before my daughters were diagnosed, I could not understand why they acted certain ways in…

Build Sensory Kits to Provide Comfort After Hurricane

We have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of concern for the families we serve who were affected by Hurricane Florence. Many individuals with autism in parts of North Carolina have been displaced from their homes, schools, or other services. When individuals with autism are in new situations or environments, they can feel uncomfortable, anxious, or…

Call on Us in Your Time of Need

Dear Families, Friends, and Supporters, Our hearts go out to North Carolinians who are suffering because of Hurricane Florence. We know that thousands of people are being affected. Some have had to leave their homes and belongings behind. Some remain in their homes, but their lives have been disrupted by a lack of electricity, school…

We want to help keep your family safe in a storm

Dear Families, Friends, and Supporters, With Hurricane Florence possibly heading toward North Carolina in coming days, we share your concern about the safety of your loved ones. We wanted to take a moment to let you know that ASNC is here for your family. To help you prepare, we are sharing some helpful resources on…

Easing the Transition Back to School

Easing the transition back to school…itā€™s that time of year again! The transition from summer to fall, more specifically from summer break to the start of the school year, can be overwhelming for everyone involved. The added stressors of back-to-school shopping, meet-and-greets with teachers, and transitioning into new schools can be challenging. We have some…